“If you don't know history, then you don't know anything. You are a leaf that doesn't know it is part of a tree.” - Michael Crichton
History is the story of the past and paints a picture of who we are and where we come from. History is about developing children’s knowledge of the world, ourselves and different places and people.
Through the teaching of history, children are inspired and encouraged to think like historians through perceptive questioning and critical thinking. This gives them a thirst for knowledge, motivates their curiosity and helps them to understand their own and other people’s lives.
Our curriculum progressively builds vocabulary and concepts over time, with history being taught in a cross-curricular approach starting in KS1, where children learn about their own past and changes within living memory. History continues to be taught through cross-curricular theme based topic from throughout KS2, using first-hand experiences such as enrichment days and exploring artefacts, pictures, documents and maps to make learning fun, engaging and relevant.
We designed our curriculum to include strong elements of local History. For example, children learn about Rochester castle and find out how World War 2 affected Kent and Medway.
We develop knowledge and understanding, including chronology, alongside enquiry and interpretation. Our Tunbury timeline shows how we build children’s understanding of historical people and periods.
Pupil voice - what do Tunbury learners think about History?
Y1 pupil: “We learn about things that happened a long time ago.”
Y3 pupil: “History is important so you know what happened in the past. It helps us with our future.”
Y5 pupil: “As we don’t actually have a time machine, History is a good way to go back and find out about the past!”
Tunbury History Curriculum Overview and History Curriculum Progression
Please view our curriculum documentation to see how we have chosen to teach History at Tunbury Primary School.
- History Curriculum Overview 2024
- History Curriculum Progression 2024
- Tunbury Timeline chronology KS1
- Tunbury Timeline chronology KS2