Weekly Bulletin:Friday 10th May 2024
Headteacher’s message to parents/carers
Dear Parents/Carers,
It feels like summer is finally here, and with the better weather, it’s been lovely to see Team Tunbury get outside and enjoy the beautiful surroundings that our school and local area has to offer. For example, on Wednesday afternoon, a sunny stroll around our school grounds found all of these activities…. Reception children busy learning in their outside area, Year 1 and 2 enjoying outdoor breaktime on the lower playground and in the Glade, a Year 5 class enjoying their PE lesson on the top playground, Year 5/6 children in Tiger Troop on the field participating in a camouflage challenge with their Sergeants and a Year 6 class conducting an evaluation of our outdoor learning environments. Wonderful stuff!
Also on Wednesday, our three Year 4 classes went on a local trip, with a walk from school for a picnic at Bluebell Hill picnic site. Although it’s not far to go, children loved their trip. Some of their favourite moments including lorries beeping at them as they crossed the M2 bridge and enjoying the beautiful view over the Medway Valley at Bluebell Hill – quite a contrast of human and physical geographical features.
Yesterday afternoon, we also saw some wonderful Tunbury teamwork in action, when our Year 6 children spent some time playing with their Year R buddies on the playground and in the Reception outside area. This was described by Mrs Palmer as a “joyous occasion” and rightly so! Our oldest children showed such a mature level of responsibility and nurturing care for our little ones. We were so proud of them all. We’re not sure who had the most fun playing in the sand and water trays though!
Have a lovely weekend everyone.
Best wishes
Ruth Austin
Our Learning: Year 1
This term we have been thinking about what it takes to become an astronaut!
In English we have been reading the stories Welcome to Alien School and Man on the Moon (a day in the life of Bob).
This week we have been thinking about how to write a persuasive leaflet to encourage people to take a trip to explore the Moon with Bob.
Maths this term has been focused on finding equal groups. This week we have identified half. The children enjoyed cutting fruit in half and taking care to ensure they had two equal groups.
During our DT lessons we have also been creating aliens from clay. Our next step is to follow our plans and paint them!
In science we have explored craters and what causes them to appear on the moon. We took part in an experiment using flour, cocoa powder, sprinkles and a rock to create our own craters. We dropped the rock from different heights to see if the higher the rock, the bigger the crater. We found that the higher the height the rock was thrown from the wider the crater was!
Our PSHE lessons have been focused on how we can look after ourselves. During these lessons we have learnt what makes a healthy, balanced meal that includes carbohydrates, protein, dairy and fruit/vegetables. We also discussed how to care for ourselves, the children came up with some amazing ways such as brushing our teeth twice a day, washing our bodies/hair, drinking plenty of water etc.
Tunbury Primary School Facebook page: Tunbury Primary School | Chatham | Facebook This has been updated regularly, so please take a look! New posts include Year R trip to the farm and the Year 4 trip to Bluebell Hill picnic site.
We can only share photos of children where we have specific parental permission for Facebook photos. So, if you would like your child to feature on our Facebook page, please use this link to update your image consent: https://forms.office.com/e/XGMViX1AYMM Thank you.
Maidstone Brick Festival: tomorrow 11th May, 10-4 pm. If you love Lego and are interested in going, here is the link for the website: Maidstone Brick Festival - Brick Festival (brickfestivalevents.com)
School dinner payments: Please continue to pay for school lunches in cash or cheques payable to TCS Education Catering Ltd. This can be sent to school in a sealed, named envelope via the school office.
Sun hats, sunscreen and water: Now that the warmer weather is here at last, we would like to remind you about sunscreen, hats and water. Please can you make sure that you child has sunscreen applied before they come to school. They can bring a named bottle of sunscreen to keep in their school bag for reapplying at break times, if they are able to apply it themselves. Please also make sure that your child has a bottle of water in school as well as a sun hat.
Junior Adventures Group After School Childcare: Just a reminder that our on-site After School Childcare provider now offers new 1-hour and 2-hour sessions for their after-school bookings, making it cheaper for any parents who would like a shorter period of childcare. The 1-hour session costs £7.50. To make a booking and view the details, please visit:
Tunbury Primary School | Junior Adventures Group UK
Weekly Class Attendance: This is a weekly feature on our bulletin to highlight and celebrate good levels of attendance. This week our KS1 winners are Pink Class with a fantastic 99.45% attendance. Followed by our KS2 winners, Sapphire class. Well done to both classes!
Class |
Weekly Attendance Percentage |
Turquoise |
☆100%☆ |
Lilac |
99.52% |
Lavender |
☆99.47%☆ |
Amber |
99.05% |
Pink |
98.90% |
Red |
98.40% |
Scarlet |
98.10% |
Sapphire |
98.10% |
Blue |
97.86% |
Magenta |
97.45% |
Yellow |
96.94% |
Emerald |
96.67% |
Owls |
96.27% |
Orange |
95.60% |
Hedgehogs |
95.54% |
Indigo |
95.41% |
Violet |
95.24% |
Crimson |
94.76% |
Azure |
93.81% |
Ruby |
93.10% |
Bears |
91.43% |
Team Points: This week, Holmes team have taken the lead from Hawking – it’s a very tight race this term. Well done Holmes team!
Rowling |
Attenborough |
Holmes |
Hawking |
2651 |
2847 |
2993 |
2984 |
Dates for your Diary
Term dates for 2023/24: www.tunbury.kent.sch.uk/Parents/Term-Dates-23-24/
Term dates for 2024/25: www.tunbury.kent.sch.uk/Parents/Term-Dates-24-25/
Term 5
Monday 13th-Thursday 16th May – KS2 SATS Week Year 6
Wednesday 15th May – Year 1 Open Afternoon, 2-3pm – Making moon buggies
Friday 17th May – Outdoor Learning Day
Friday 17th May – Wingham Wildlife Park visit – Year 3
Tuesday 21st May – Year 3 Open Afternoon, 2-3pm - Creating Anglo-Saxon broaches
Wednesday 22nd May – Year 5 trip to Maidstone Museum
Wednesday 22nd May - Year R Open Afternoon, 2-3pm - Making fruit kebabs
Thursday 23rd May – (TSA) Tunbury's Got Talent, 6pm in the school hall
Friday 24th May – Last day of term for pupils
Term 6
Monday 3rd June – School Closed – INSET DAY
Tuesday 4th June – Start of Term 6 for pupils
Tuesday 4th-7th June – STEAM Week
Monday 3rd June-14th June – Multiplication Times Tables Check Year 4
Monday 10th June-Friday 14th June – Phonics Screening – Year 1
Tuesday 11th / Wednesday 12th June – (TSA) “Gifts for Him" present room
Thursday 13th June – Year 2 Open Afternoon, 2-3pm - Creating a piece of artwork in the style of Tinga Tinga
20th June – (TSA) School Disco & Non School Uniform day
Thursday 27th June – Year 4 Open Afternoon, 2-3pm – Art-sketching
Friday 28th June – Sports Day (KS2 am, family picnic at lunchtime, FS/KS1 pm, TSA Refreshments)
Friday 5th July – Reserve Sports Day
Monday 8th July – Year 5 Open Afternoon, 2-3pm - Art Henri Rousseau Rainforest
Wednesday 10th July - Whole School Transition Day (all classes move up to new teachers), with Open Classroom session for parents/carers 3.15-3.45
Thursday 11th July – Rochester visit – Year 4
Thursday 18th July – Year 6 Performance: 2 pm and 6 pm
Friday 19th July – (TSA) Dare to be Different
Friday 19th July – Year 6 School Prom, 6.30 -9.30 pm
Saturday 20th July – (TSA) Tunbury Summer Circus
Monday 22nd July – Year 6 Open Afternoon, 2-3pm – Afternoon Tea
Tuesday 23rd July – Year 6 Leavers’ Assemblies: Emerald 9.00, Crimson 9.45, Violet 10.30
Tuesday 23rd July – Last day of term
Class assemblies
Class assemblies will be held in the school hall on Friday afternoons. Parents/carers and family members from each class are warmly invited to join us in school for these events, as our children love to share their learning with you. Please come to the front of the school and wait outside the hall entrance doors. You will be invited in at approximately 2.45pm. The assembly will begin at 2.50pm and last for about 10 minutes, finishing in time for you to collect your children at the end of the school day, as normal.
Friday 10th May – Yellow Class Assembly
Friday 24th May – Red Class Assembly
Friday 7th June – Bears Class Assembly
Friday 14th June – Hedgehogs Class Assembly
Friday 21st June – Owls Class Assembly