Weekly Bulletin: Friday 10th November 2023
Headteacher’s message to parents/carers
Dear Parents/Carers,
This week, Year 6 have been completing their Bikeability awards. After practising their cycling skills on the playground, they ventured out to learn how to cycle safely on the roads. We are very proud of their super-sensible attitudes and great achievements in Bikeability – well done! Next week, Year 6 are off on their residential trip to PGL, so it’s been an exciting few weeks for our oldest children.
Also this week, we had our first New Entrants meeting for Reception 2024 entry. It was lovely to welcome lots of new families and tell them what makes our school so special. Our Year 6 Tour Guides did a fabulous job and were great ambassadors for Team Tunbury. Next week, we have our evening New Entrants meeting at 6.00pm on Wednesday 15th November. (All the details are in the notices section.)
Just a reminder that on Monday, ‘Odd Socks Day’ marks the start of Anti-Bullying week, so we are inviting children to come in wearing normal school uniform, but odd socks – the crazier the better! More information about Anti-Bullying week will be in next week’s bulletin, but you can read about this year’s theme at Anti-Bullying Week 2023: Make A Noise About Bullying (anti-bullyingalliance.org.uk)
Have a lovely weekend everyone. Please join us for Tunbury Laser Fest tomorrow!
Best wishes,
Ruth Austin
Our Learning Year 1
Within our maths learning, we have been using part-whole models within 10. After this, we have moved onto fact families for number sentences, understanding number bonds within 10.
During our English lessons we have continued to look at traditional tales and have been reading Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We have used adjectives in writing to describe Goldilocks and the setting, as well as using role play to re-enact the story.
We have covered a range of topic lessons, including learning about Guy Fawkes and Remembrance Day within history.
Primary and secondary colours have been a focus for art and we will continue this learning by looking at darker and lighter shades.
In our computing lessons we have been using Beebots. The children have been programming the Beebots by giving them a command.
Our PSHE focus has been discussing what our private parts are and how we can keep them safe. We watched ‘The Pantosaurus Song’ to teach this message to the children… www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnroTxz7USI.
Lastly, as you may have already heard, we have been begun learning our songs for the Christmas performance as part of music.
School Council Collaboration
Our school council members had a virtual meeting this week with other school councils from local schools. The different schools discussed what they liked about their own school lunchtime provisions and then discussed ways they could develop them. One thing they are going to do as a group of schools is to create a bank of games pupils can play outside that need little to no equipment. It is great that our pupils are starting to make connections with other schools as it is great to build new friendships, as well as building their confidence in their own conversation/presentation skills. We look forward to completing more collaboration meetings throughout the year with different agenda items.
National Tell A Story Day
At the start of this term, we celebrated ‘National Tell A Story Day’ by creating three whole school stories. Our Reception classes were each given a sentence starter to add to before passing it on, to the next year group. As the day went on pupils could choose which way to send each story and the final outcomes were incredible. All three stories have been entered into the BBC 500 words competition. Here are just a few snippets from our three stories called: Pocket Dragon, Portal of History and The Ginormous Pumpkin.
Story 1
“As he walked hesitantly down the alley he came across a monstrous wolf. The wolf sniffed the air and crouched down like it was preparing to leap. The man froze, his limbs started to shake, and his whiskers tingled. He didn't know what to do as the wolf slowly crept closer and closer. Suddenly out of nowhere, there was a flash of light.”
Story 2
“Without thought, I timidly reached out my shaking hand and took the bone, clasping it to my chest like a precious gem. But how do I get home. As if the ghost was reading my thoughts, he whispered, "Read the story using the cave painting on the wall and a portal will appear."
Story 3
“As the children started to walk back into their classroom after break, the dragon silently tucked himself inside the hood of one of the children. When Barry put his coat into his locker, he did not notice the tiny dragon hidden there. Once the corridor was quiet, the dragon tried to get out of the locker but the door was locked. Frantically, the dragon breathed his hottest fire onto the locker door and set it on fire. The door melted away leaving the dragon free to fly out.”
Children in Need - Feel SPOTacular – Friday 17th November - All children are invited to take part by wearing something spotty. For this, we are asking for a donation of £2. Like last year, we are asking for online donations, as we are unable to take cash in school, please use the link below. You could go all out by wearing a SPOTacular three-piece suit, go for a more subtle approach by wearing some SPOTacular socks or even dress up in the full Pudsey gear. Your £2 donation will also include one automatic entry for your child to enter the ‘Design your own Pudsey Competition’ with the deadline for this being Friday 17th.
School Crossing Patrol: We do still have a vacancy for a School Crossing Patrol (SCP) to work on Tunbury Avenue - we have been trying to fill this vacancy for some considerable time. The previous advert for the SCP vacancy closed without a single applicant. KCC have released another advert this week. Please pass this information to anyone in the local community who may be suitable and interested in this position.
The vacancy link for information and applications can be found at: https://recruitmenthub.solutions/members/modules/job/detail.php?record=9273
The advert is due to close at the end of December; however, if there are any potential recruits, KCC will process them as soon as possible.
While we do not have a SCP, please take extra care around school and please do not park at the crossing point, on double yellow lines or in bus stops. Thank you for your support.
Data Collection Sheets: This document was handed out via class teachers at parents’ evening (printed on cream coloured paper). It is vital that we have correct phone numbers and e-mail addresses to communicate with you effectively. When you are satisfied that the information on the Data Collection sheet is correct, please sign and date the form and return to your child’s class teacher or to the school office. Please sign and return the form even if there are no alterations to be made. Please return by Friday 17th November 2023. Thank you for your help with this matter.
Individual/Sibling group Photos: On Wednesday 22nd / Thursday 23rd November, Tempest photographers will be visiting school to take individual/sibling group photos (in-school children). All children will have an individual photo taken, unless you tell us otherwise. Tempest will also be able to take photos of sibling groups of in-school children. However, if you do not require a sibling group photo, please send an email to the school office.
Admissions for children starting school in September 2024: Tunbury welcomes children from both Kent and Medway addresses. All applications for school places should be made via your ‘home’ local authority. Online applications are now open. For Medway residents applying for our school, we have published guidelines to help with this process, which you’ll find at https://www.tunbury.kent.sch.uk/New-Entrants/ Please scroll down to the bottom of the new entrants page on the website.
Kent residents apply at www.kent.gov.uk/education-and-children/schools/school-places
Medway residents apply at www.medway.gov.uk/admissions
Please join us for our New Entrants events – to book, please email us on our dedicated email address for admissions into Reception, which is newentrants@tunbury.kent.sch.uk . Please feel free to share these details with any friends or neighbours who are looking for a Reception school place for September 2024. Thank you.
Flu Immunisation: Tuesday 21st November 2023 for Years R, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Please see the letter which was emailed last week and published in the Parents – Letters and Forms section of our website. Please note the e-consent portal closes on 15/11/23, 6 working days before our school’s immunisation session, and NHS cannot accept late consents or consents on the day of vaccination.
If any parents/carers are having issues completing the online consent form, please call the immunisation team using one of the methods below:
Text chat: 07401320923
Live chat via website: family.kentcht.nhs.uk/imms
Email: kchft.cyp-immunisationteam@nhs.net
Telephone: 0300 123 5205
Weekly Class Attendance: This is a weekly feature on our bulletin to highlight and celebrate good levels of attendance. Congratulations to Azure Class who take over top spot for KS2 with 100% attendance. Followed by Yellow Class taking top spot for KS1, well done!
Class |
Weekly Attendance Percentage |
Azure |
☆100.00%☆ |
Yellow |
☆98.67%☆ |
Scarlet |
98.15% |
Lilac |
97.78% |
Owls |
97.47% |
Lavender |
96.15% |
Violet |
95.93% |
Pink |
95.73% |
Turquoise |
95.40% |
Ruby |
94.81% |
Bears |
94.69% |
Hedgehogs |
94.44% |
Crimson |
94.07% |
Sapphire |
93.70% |
Red |
93.12% |
Indigo |
92.72% |
Amber |
92.34% |
Magenta |
92.06% |
Emerald |
90.74% |
Orange |
88.00% |
Blue |
87.96% |
Team Points: In our first Team Points totals for Term 2, we have Attenborough in the lead, by just four points! Congratulations - keep up the good work!
Rowling |
Attenborough |
Holmes |
Hawking |
1379 |
1714 |
1538 |
1710 |
Dates for your Diary
Term dates for 2023/24: www.tunbury.kent.sch.uk/Parents/Term-Dates-23-24/
Term 2
Saturday 11th November - Tunbury Laserfest – 4-6.30 pm
Monday 13th November – Odd Socks Day
Monday 13th-Friday 17th – Anti-Bullying week
Tuesday 14th November 2023, 9.00, 9.45 and 10.30 – New Entrants School Tour
Wednesday 15th-17th November – Year 6 PGL Marchants Hill
Wednesday 15th November at 6.00pm – New Entrants meeting
New* Friday 17th November - Feel SPOTacular Day – Non-uniform spotty day for Children In Need
Tuesday 21st November – Flu immunisations (Years R-6)
Wednesday 22nd-23rd November – Tempest Photography (Individual/sibling photos)
Saturday 25th November – TSA Christmas Fair and Grotto
Tuesday 28th/ Thursday 30th November - National Child Measurement Programme Year R/Year 6
Wednesday 29th November 2023, 9.00, 9.45 and 10.30 – New Entrants School Tour
Friday 1st December – Year 3 Stone Age Day NEW
Monday 4th December – Astro Dome Year 5 – Space Day (Children ae invited to dress up) NEW
Tuesday 5th – Thursday 7th December – TSA Christmas Present Room
Wednesday 6th December – Year R Nativity – 2.30pm
Friday 8th December – Christmas Jumper Day and Lunch
Monday 11th December 2023, 9.00, 9.45 and 10.30 – New Entrants School Tour
Tuesday 12th December – Year 2 Nativity – 2.30pm
Wednesday 13th December Year 1 Nativity – 2.30pm
Thursday 14th December – Year 3&4 Carols on the playground – 2.50pm
Friday 15th December – Year 5&6 Carols on the playground – 2.50pm
Friday 15th December – Last day of term for pupils
Term 3
Tuesday 2nd January – School Closed – INSET DAY
Wednesday 3rd January – Start of Term 3 for pupils
Thursday 18th January – Young Voices at the O2 (KS2 Singing Club)
Friday 2nd February – NSPCC Number Day
Tuesday 6th February – Safer Internet Day
Friday 9th February – Last day of term for pupils
Term 4
Monday 19th February – School Closed – INSET DAY
Tuesday 20th February – Start of Term 4 for pupils
Thursday 22nd February – Parent Consultation evening – 3.30-6.30pm
Tuesday 27th February – Parent Consultation evening – 3.30-6.30pm
Monday 11th-15th March – British Science Week
Thursday 28th March – Last day of term for pupils
Term 5
Monday 15th April – Start of Term 5 for pupils
Monday 6th May – BANK HOLIDAY – School Closed
Monday 13th-Thursday 16th May – KS2 SATS Week Year 6
Friday 17th May – Outdoor Learning Day
Friday 24th May – Last day of term for pupils
Term 6
Monday 3rd June – School Closed – INSET DAY
Tuesday 4th June – Start of Term 6 for pupils
Tuesday 4th-7th June – STEAM Week
Monday 3rd June-14th June – Multiplication Times Tables Check Year 4
Monday 10th June-Friday 14th June – Phonics Screening – Year 1
Friday 28th June – Sports Day (KS2 am, family picnic at lunchtime, FS/KS1 pm)
Friday 5th July – Reserve Sports Day
Tuesday 23rd July – Last day of term
Class assemblies
Class assemblies will be held in the school hall on Friday afternoons. Parents/carers and family members from each class are warmly invited to join us in school for these events, as our children love to share their learning with you. Please come to the front of the school and wait outside the hall entrance doors. You will be invited in at approximately 2.45pm. The assembly will begin at 2.50pm and last for about 10 minutes, finishing in time for you to collect your children at the end of the school day, as normal.
Friday 10th November – Scarlet Class Assembly
Friday 17th November – Indigo Class Assembly
Friday 24th November – Sapphire Class Assembly
Friday 1st December – Amber Class Assembly
Friday 8th December – Emerald Class Assembly
Friday 12th January – Blue Class Assembly
Friday 19th January – Turquoise Class Assembly
Friday 26th January – Crimson Class Assembly
Friday 2nd February – Violet Class Assembly
Friday 9th February – Azure Class Assembly
Friday 1st March – Orange Class Assembly
Friday 8th March – Ruby Class Assembly
Friday 15th March – Lavender Class Assembly
Friday 22nd March – Pink Class Assembly
Friday 26th April – Magenta Class Assembly
Friday 3rd May – Lilac Class Assembly
Friday 10th May – Yellow Class Assembly
Friday 24th May – Red Class Assembly
Friday 7th June – Bears Class Assembly
Friday 14th June – Hedgehogs Class Assembly
Friday 21st June – Owls Class Assembly