Weekly Bulletin:Friday 12th July 2024
Headteacher’s message to parents/carers
Dear Parents/Carers,
Today, you should have already received an email enabling you to download your child’s annual report. Instead of envelopes or paper copies, this year we’re sending an email with a link to download a PDF copy of your child’s report. This email will be sent to both parents of each child, as long as we hold the correct email addresses for you on our school records. We suggest that you save a copy of the report on your own devices for future reference, as the download link in your emails will expire after 6 weeks.
As this is the first time that we’ve shared reports in this way, we’re keen that this process works smoothly. The email is from ‘Tunbury Primary School’ and entitled ‘A report for (your child) is ready’. Please do check your emails today and contact the school office if you have any difficulty in accessing your child’s report.
Once you have received and read your reports, please contact your child’s class teacher if you have any comments or questions on their learning.
We’re very proud of the progress children have made this year, so please do celebrate their achievements with them!
Looking ahead to the weekend, everyone in Team Tunbury is hopeful that there might be something else to cheer about on Sunday evening…. come on England! With this in mind, we’re offering the same flexibility as we did in 2021 for the last England final. On Monday morning, registers will remain open until 10am and children will not be marked late as long as they arrive in school by 10am. School will be open as normal at the normal time, and we do understand that many of our parents/carers will need to be at work themselves at their own normal times, so this flexibility will not benefit everyone and is purely optional. Children arriving in school after the gates close at 8.50 will need to enter school via the front gate and come in via the main school office.
Have a lovely weekend everyone.
Best wishes
Ruth Austin
After School Clubs: Please be reminded, as detailed in the clubs letter sent out in April, this series of after school clubs have now finished. There will be no after school clubs next week and the last 2 days of term.
TSA Circus: The circus is coming to Tunbury Primary School next week, on Saturday 20th July! We have the amazing professional circus company Circus Pizaz joining us this year for our summer circus! There are 3 show times to choose from and tickets are £6.50.
It's going to be a fantastic event so we hope you can join us! Book your tickets to the circus now at:
If you don't want to come and watch the circus show, there is still lots of fun to be had as there will be hot/cold drinks, hot food, sweet treats, cakes, crazy golf, glitter/face paint, giant inflatable slide, a fun fair ride, games, craft stalls, henna, bungee trampolines and a bar! (General entry is free or by donation and you do not need to book tickets if you are not coming to watch the circus show).
Safeguarding – Pantosaurus lesson: Next week, we will be talking about the NSPCC Pants rule as part of our PHSE curriculum. During these discussions, we will aim to teach our children the following important safety skills without giving explicit information. The lessons empower children in an age-appropriate way to recognise their rights to their own bodies, say no to unwanted touch, and tell someone if they feel uncomfortable. If you would like to know more about PANTs and what we will be teaching, please follow these links. Let's talk PANTS with Pantosaurus! | NSPCC or Underwear rule guide for parents.
SEN Summer Club: Please see the ultimate support pack to set parents, carers and families up for a summer of fun. The pack includes creative workshops and classes, from fashion to cooking, science to sketching, there are also tips for going on holiday and a daily summer planner to prepare everyone for the day ahead. www.witherslackgroup.co.uk/resources/sen-summer-club/
School dinner payments: Please continue to pay for school lunches in cash or cheques payable to TCS Education Catering Ltd. This can be sent to school in a sealed, named envelope via the school office. We have been working with TCS to help them set up a new online payment system, which we are hoping to have operational from September. Thank you for your patience and support with this, as we know that cash/cheque payments have not been ideal.
Weekly Class Attendance: This is a weekly feature on our bulletin to highlight and celebrate good levels of attendance. A huge well done to Owls Class, our KS1 winners, for reaching 100% attendance this week!! Our KS2 winners are Amber with an amazing 98.89%. Keep up the good work!
Class |
Weekly Attendance Percentage |
Owls |
☆100%☆ |
Amber |
☆98.89%☆ |
Yellow |
98.81% |
Crimson |
98.15% |
Scarlet |
98.08% |
Sapphire |
97.41% |
Orange |
96.89% |
Hedgehogs |
95.14% |
Lilac |
94.98% |
Emerald |
94.62% |
Indigo |
94.44% |
Lavender |
94.24% |
Azure |
93.7% |
Pink |
93.59% |
Blue |
92.86% |
Magenta |
92.72% |
Turquoise |
90.74% |
Bears |
90.28% |
Violet |
90.04% |
Ruby |
89.26% |
Red |
86.42% |
Team Points: Here are this week’s Team Points. Attenborough team have held on to their lead this week. Next week will be our final total for Term 6, although with Golden Team Points (worth 50 points each) still to be awarded, everything can change!
Rowling |
Attenborough |
Holmes |
Hawking |
4946 |
5169 |
4779 |
4953 |
Dates for your Diary
Term dates for 2024/25: www.tunbury.kent.sch.uk/Parents/Term-Dates-24-25/
Term 6
Friday 12th July – Children’s annual reports available via email
Monday 15th July to Friday 19th July – Diversity Week
Monday 15th July – Year 1 (Current Year R) Meet the Team, 9-9.30 am (Main hall, please enter via the main hall door)
Monday 15th July – Year 4 (Current Year 3) Meet the Team, 2.30-3pm (Main hall, please enter via the main hall door)
Tuesday 16th July – Year 2 (Current Year 1) Meet the Team, 9-9.30am (Small hall, please enter via the playground gate)
Tuesday 16th July – Year 6 (Current Year 5) Meet the Team 2.30 -3pm (Main hall, please enter via the main hall door)
Wednesday 17th July Year 3 (Current Year 2) Meet the Team 9-9.30am (Small hall, please enter via the playground gate)
Thursday 18th July – Year 3 Enrichment Day: Hero/Heroine Dress up
Thursday 18th July – Irock performance for parents 9.15 am – Main Hall
Thursday 18th July – Year 6 Performance: 2 pm and 6 pm
Friday 19th July – (TSA) Dare to be Different
Friday 19th July – Year 6 School Prom, 6.30 -9.30 pm
Saturday 20th July – (TSA) Tunbury Summer Circus
Monday 22nd July Year 5 (Current Year 4) Meet the Team, 9-9.30 am (Main hall, please enter via the main hall door)
Monday 22nd July – Year 6 Open Afternoon, 2-3pm – Afternoon Tea
Tuesday 23rd July – Year 6 Leavers’ Assemblies: Emerald 9.00, Crimson 9.45, Violet 10.30
Tuesday 23rd July – Last day of term