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Tunbury Primary

Weekly Bulletin: Friday 13th January 2023

Headteacher’s message to parents/carers

Dear Parents/Carers,

This week, we have been thinking about ambition.  I asked children in every class to think about their own ambitions for 2023 and their ambitions for their future.  These are some of the things that our Tunbury children said:

My ambition for 2023

  •  “I want to do the best work I can possibly do.”
  •  “To be able to play a whole song on my bass guitar.”
  •  “To learn and be confident in my times tables.”
  •  “I would like to be able to do a handstand at gymnastics.”
  •  “Help my mummy clean up.”
  •  “To get better at basketball.”

My ambition for my future

  •  “To become a famous ballerina by the age of 24.”
  •  “To become an art teacher in a secondary school.”
  •  “Take a trip to Disneyland.”
  •  “To play for a pro football team.”
  •  “I want to be a famous singer.”
  •  “To have a good job and be happy.”

As you can see, our children are determined, focussed and have big ambitions for their future!  We encourage them to aim high and be confident in themselves.  We also explain how determination, hard work and achievement at primary school will help children to achieve their ambitions for later in life. 

Please could you join this conversation by talking about ambitions at home?  Perhaps you could ask your children what their ambitions are, or talk to them about how they might achieve their ambitions?  What are your ambitions for your children’s future?

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Best wishes

Ruth Austin



Attendance: Good attendance at school is important for children’s wellbeing, friendships and learning.  If you are unsure whether your child is well enough to attend school, please check the NHS guidance at: Is my child too ill for school? - NHS (www.nhs.uk)  This states that “it’s fine to send children to school with a minor cough or common cold, but if they have a fever (38C or more) keep them off school until it goes away”. 

We are mindful of winter illnesses in school - we have given children another reminder today of the importance of washing their hands and maintaining good hygiene throughout the day. 

Open Afternoons: Please could we draw your attention to our dates for Open Afternoons later this term.  Following the positive feedback we received about our Autumn Term Open Afternoons, we have a further set of visits timetabled for the end of this month – please see the Dates for your Diary section for full details.  We are looking forward to welcoming you into school! 

Play sessions: Please see the flyer in the letters and forms section for a new service that Early Help are trialling this term for afterschool play sessions for Year R to Year 2 children which will take place in East Malling on Tuesdays.  Families need to book so they are aware of numbers.  

Team Points: Our first totals of the new term are as follows. It’s Hawking team in a slender early lead – well done blue team! 









Last call for new admissions for Reception – applications close this weekend:

Dates for your Diary 

Term dates for 2022/23: https://www.tunbury.kent.sch.uk/Term-Dates-22-23/

Tuesday 24th January – Young Voices Concert at the O2 (Singing Club)

Monday 30th January – Open afternoon YR: 2-3pm

Tuesday 31st January – Open afternoon Y1 / Y2: 2-3pm

Wednesday 1st February - Amazing Animal World visit for Year 1 and Year R NEW

Wednesday 1st February – Open afternoon Y3 / Y4: 2-3pm

Thursday 2nd February – Open afternoon Y5 / Y6: 2-3pm

Friday 3rd February – National Number Day

Tuesday 7th February – Safer Internet Day

Friday 10th February – Y4 Roman Day

Friday 10th February – Last day of term 3 for pupils

Monday 20th February - INSET Day – School Closed for pupils

Tuesday 21st February – Start of term 4 for pupils

Thursday 23rd February - Parent consultation evening – 3.30-6.30pm

Tuesday 28th February - Parent consultation evening – 3.30-6.30pm

Friday 17TH March – National Science Day

Monday 20th March – Francophonie Day

Thursday 30th March - IRock Performance to parents am

Friday 31st March – Last day of term 4 for pupils

Monday 17th April – First day of term 5 for pupils

Monday 1st May - Bank Holiday – School Closed

May – Year 2 (KS1) SATs

Monday 8th May – Bank Holiday in honour of the Coronation of His Majesty King Charles III

Tuesday  9th – Friday 12th May – Year 6 (KS2) SATs

Friday 19th May – Y5 Visit to Maidstone Museum

Monday 22nd– Friday 26th May – Outdoor learning week

Friday 26th May – Last day of term 5 for pupils

Monday 5th June - INSET Day – School Closed for pupils

Tuesday 6th June – First day of term 6 for pupils

Tuesday 6th- Friday 9th June – STEAM week

w/c Tuesday 6th June – Year 4 Multiplication Times Tables check

w/c Monday 12th June – Year 1 Phonics check

Friday 30th June – Sports Day

Friday 7th July – Reserve Sports Day

Friday 21st July – Last day of term/academic year for pupils 

Class assemblies 

Class assemblies will be held in the school hall on Friday afternoons.  Parents/carers and family members from each class are warmly invited to join us in school for these events, as our children love to share their learning with you.  Please come to the front of the school and wait outside the hall entrance doors.  You will be invited in at approximately 2.45 pm.  The assembly will begin at 2.50 pm and last for about 10 minutes, finishing in time for you to collect your children at the end of the school day, as normal. 

Friday 13th January         Blue Class Assembly

Friday 20th January         Violet Class Assembly

Friday 27th January         Orange Class Assembly

Friday 3rd February        Scarlet Class Assembly

Friday 10th February      Amber Class Assembly

Friday 3rd March              Lavender Class Assembly

Friday 10th March           Yellow Class Assembly

Friday 17th March           Crimson Class Assembly

Friday 24th March           Turquoise Class Assembly

Friday 31st March            Ruby Class Assembly

Friday 28th April               Sapphire Class Assembly

Friday 5th May                  Pink Class Assembly

Friday 12th May               Red Class Assembly                                   

Friday 19th May               Bears Assembly

Friday 26th May               Owls Assembly

Friday 16th June               Hedgehogs Assembly


Welcome to Term 3

The last day of Term 3 is Friday 14th February 2025

Monday 24th February 2025 is an INSET DAY - School will be closed for pupils.