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Tunbury Primary

Weekly Bulletin: Friday 13th September 2024

Headteacher’s message to parents/carers

Dear Parents/Carers,

This week in school, children’s learning is picking up pace as we all get used to the new routines and expectations of our new classes.  We hope that your child is now thoroughly settled in and feels ‘at home’ with their new class – please speak with their class teacher if they have any worries which are lingering.

Year 3 have had a particularly exciting week.  Children in Amber, Azure and Sapphire classes started their Forest School sessions, which are led by a specialist practitioner in our beautiful Forest School area, for groups of just 15 children throughout Term 1.  As well as this, they also started our brand new whole-class Ukulele tuition, taught by a Kent Music specialist teacher.  The Ukulele lessons last all year, which is a brilliant opportunity for every child to learn to play a musical instrument.

Also this week, our first Pupil Leaders were chosen with the election of our School Councillors in Years 1-6.  Congratulations to all of our successful candidates.  Applications are now open for our other Pupil Leadership roles, including Subject Ambassadors, Librarians, Diversity Leaders and Eco Warriors.  The deadline for children’s applications for these roles is Friday 27th September.

Looking ahead, we’re ready to share most of the key dates for the academic year, including parent consultation dates, class assembly dates and open afternoons.  These are in the Diary Dates section of this bulletin.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Best wishes

Ruth Austin



Parent Governor: Could you be our new Parent Governor?  We have now opened the 10-day period for nominations for this valuable role.  We have one vacancy for a new Parent Governor.  For full information and the nomination form, please refer to the email sent out yesterday.  You’ll also find the letter and nomination form on our school website at Tunbury Primary School - Letters & Forms .  Nominations must be received by 3.30 on Thursday 26th September 2024.  

School Gateway app for ordering and paying for school lunches: Unfortunately there have been some ‘teething’ problems with this new system; thank you for your patience and understanding with this.  The technical issue which resulted in parents of KS1 children, i.e. Universal Free School Meals, being charged for school meals has now been resolved.  If any parents are still being charged, please email the school office, office@tunbury.kent.sch.uk  with the pupil's name and, if possible, a screenshot from the app showing the charge or due amount.

Please note the menu choices for ordering school meals has changed to either a “main meal" or "Vegetarian main", instead of the full menu choice. Due to the change if you have already pre-ordered a meal in advance you will need to redo this – apologies for any inconvenience caused. Please continue to order your child’s meals in advance as this saves time in the classroom. The full menu is detailed on our school website www.tunbury.kent.sch.uk/Parents/School-Meals/ .

To order and pay for school lunches please use the School Gateway app, which you can install from www.schoolgateway.com/apple (Apple) or www.schoolgateway.com/android (Android).

ASDA rewards cashpot for schools:
If you already shop in ASDA and have the Asda Rewards app, you can opt in to support Tunbury Primary School through the ‘cashpot for schools’ scheme. Details are on the app or at www.asda.com/cashpotforschools .  Thank you! 

Weekly Class Attendance: This is a weekly feature on our bulletin to highlight and celebrate good levels of attendance. Well done to Owls Class, our KS1 winners with 100% attendance this week! Sapphire Class are our KS2 winners with an amazing 99.57%, well done!  

Weekly Attendance Percentage










































Team Points: Our first Team Points totals of the new school year are in!  Congratulations to Attenborough team who have taken the lead.









Dates for your Diary

Here are the upcoming dates for your diary.  More dates will be added next week. 

An important change from last year is around our Parent Consultations and Open Afternoons. Our autumn and spring parent consultation evenings will occur before the half-term break. Therefore, the autumn open afternoons have moved to weeks after the half-term break. Please see the dates below.  

Term dates for 2024/25: www.tunbury.kent.sch.uk/Parents/Term-Dates-24-25/

Term 1

Tuesday 17th September – Start of swimming lessons for Year 4, Lilac class

Thursday 26th September - NHS National Child Measurement Program - Year R and Year 6

Friday 11th October – Toy Day – Year 2

Monday 14th October - Viking Outdoor Cooking Workshop in school - Year 5

Tuesday 22nd October - Parent Consultation evening 3.30 – 6.30 pm

Wednesday 23rd October – Norman Day – Year 4

Thursday 24th October - Parent Consultation evening 3.30 – 6.30 pm

Thursday 24th October - Ancient Greek Workshop in school – Year 6

Thursday 24th October – Last day of term for pupils

Friday 25th October - School closed for pupils– INSET Day

Term 2

Monday 4th November - Start of Term 2 for pupils

Tuesday 5th November – Year 5 and 6 Open afternoon – 2-3 pm

Wednesday 6th – 7th November - Tempest Photography (Individual/sibling photos)

Thursday 7th November – TSA Fireworks

Monday 11th – 15th November - Anti-Bullying week

Wednesday 13th-15th November – Year 6 Residential Windmill Hill

Tuesday 12th November – Year R Open afternoon – 2-3 pm

Wednesday 13th November - Year 3 and 4 Open afternoon – 2-3 pm

Thursday 14th November - Year 1 and 2 Open afternoon – 2-3 pm

Tuesday 26th November - Flu immunisations (Years R-6)

Wednesday 4th – Thursday 5th December - Bikeability - Year 6

Monday 9th December – Astrodome – Year 5

Tuesday 10th – Friday 13th December - Bikeability - Year 6

Wednesday 11th December - Year R Nativity – 2.30 pm

Friday 13th December - Christmas Jumper Day and Lunch

Tuesday 17th December - Year 2 Nativity – 2.30 pm

Wednesday 18th December – Year 1 Nativity – 2.30pm

Thursday 19th December – Year 3&4 Carols on the playground – 2.50 pm

Friday 20th December – Year 5&6 Carols on the playground – 2.50 pm

Friday 20th December – Last day of term for pupils

 Term 3

Tuesday 6th January – School closed for pupils– INSET Day

Wednesday 7th January – Start of Term 3 for pupils

Tuesday 21st January – Young Voices at the O2 (Young Voices Singing Club)

Monday 27th January – Bridge Building Enrichment Day – Year R

Friday 7th February – NSPCC Number Day

Tuesday 11th February - Parent Consultation evening – 3.30-6.30pm

Tuesday 11th February - Safer Internet Day

Thursday 13th February - Parent Consultation evening – 3.30-6.30pm

Friday 14th February – Last day of term for pupils

Term 4

Monday 24th February – School closed for pupils– INSET Day

Monday 3rd to 7th March - Book Week

Thursday 6th March – World Book Day

Thursday 4th April – Last day of term for pupils

Term 5

Monday 15th April – Start of Term 5 for pupils

Monday 5th May – BANK HOLIDAY – School Closed

Monday 12th-Thursday 15th May – KS2 SATS Week - Year 6

Friday 23rd May – Outdoor Learning Day

Friday 23rd May – Last day of term for pupils

Term 6

Monday 2nd June – School closed for pupils– INSET Day

Tuesday 3rd June – Start of Term 6 for pupils

Tuesday 3rd -6th June – STEAM Week

Monday 9th June-13th June – Multiplication Times Tables Check Year 4

Monday 9th June-13th June – Phonics Screening – Year 1

Tuesday 23rd July – Last day of term 

Class assemblies

Class assemblies will be held in the school hall on Friday afternoons.  Parents/carers and family members from each class are warmly invited to join us in school for these events, as our children love to share their learning with you.  Please come to the front of the school and wait outside the hall entrance doors. You will be invited in at approximately 2.45pm.  The assembly will begin at 2.50pm and last for about 10 minutes, finishing in time for you to collect your children at the end of the school day, as normal.

Friday 22nd November Scarlet Class Assembly

Friday 29th November Amber Class Assembly

Friday 6th December Lilac Class Assembly

Friday 17th January Magenta Class Assembly

Friday 24th January Violet Class Assembly

Friday 31st January Emerald Class Assembly

Friday 7th February Turquoise Class Assembly

Friday 14th February Crimson Class Assembly

Friday 28th February Lavender Class Assembly

Friday 14th March Indigo Class Assembly

Friday 21st March Ruby Class Assembly

Friday 28th March Azure Class Assembly

Friday 25th April Pink Class Assembly

Friday 2nd May Red Class Assembly

Friday 9th May Yellow Class Assembly

Friday 23rd May Blue Class Assembly

Friday 13th June Sapphire Class Assembly

Friday 20th June Owls Class Assembly

Friday 27th June Orange Class Assembly

Friday 4th July Bears Class Assembly




Welcome to Term 1

The last day of Term 1 is Thursday 24th October 2024

Friday 25th October is an INSET day - School will be closed for pupils.