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Tunbury Primary

Weekly Bulletin: Friday 17th November 2023

Headteacher’s message to parents/carers

Dear Parents/Carers,

Tunbury is United Against Bullying.  This is our school anti-bulling motto, which children know and understand, and were even shouting at the top of their voices in assembly today!  This links to the theme of national Anti-Bullying Week, which is ‘Make a Noise about Bullying’.  Children should never ‘keep quiet’ if they hear or see bullying – they should always make a noise about it.  This week, children were reminded that bullying means Several Times On Purpose and if they see or hear it, they should Start Telling Other People.  At Tunbury, all children have trusted adults they can talk to (Why not ask your child who their trusted adult is?  Who could they tell?) as well as our STOP boxes, which they can use to report bullying.  In assemblies this week, children learned about the difference between bullying and relational conflict, as well as how ‘bystanders’ play a crucial role in enabling or preventing bullying.  

For children, we summarise our main messages about Anti-Bullying through our School Council Anti-Bullying Poster, which is in every classroom and all around the school.

For you, we have summarised our approach to Anti-Bullying in our Anti-Bullying leaflet for parents and carers – please read this so you are prepared to support your child if they experience or witness bullying in the future.  At Tunbury, bullying is rare, but we always take allegations of bullying seriously.  We recognise that bullying can be emotionally abusive and can cause severe and adverse effects on children’s emotional development.  All allegations of bullying are investigated and resolved by following our Anti-Bullying Policy

Today, we are also feeling particularly SPOTacular for Children in Need!  We’re suggesting a £2 donation for each child, which can be made online at: www.justgiving.com/page/tunbury-primary-school

Currently, the Tunbury Total stands at £366.  Can we raise this even further?  Thank you!

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Best wishes,

Ruth Austin


Our Learning Year R

This term our topic is called ‘Let’s celebrate’ we have been learning about how different families celebrate important moments.

We have learnt all about Diwali and created Diva lamps out of clay. We have made Rangoli patterns out of loose parts and created Mehndi hand patterns.

We’ve listened to the story of Christmas and have started to learn songs for our up and coming Nativity performances. If you would like to practice the songs at home we have put some on Tapestry for you to share. We look forward to performing them to you very soon.


Our Forest school sessions started this term. The children have loved getting their wellies and puddle suits on and getting to explore our amazing Forest school space. The children have started to learn the forest school rules of ‘Don’t pick, Don’t lick and stay inside the boundary.’ They can explain the rules and talk about how to be safe.

This week we did a safety sweep of our school grounds, we used litter pickers to collect rubbish and talked about why it is important to recycle.


In Maths we have been learning all about numbers, we have been representing 5 along with what more and less means.


We have been learning so many new letters and sounds this term. Children are working hard to be able to blend the sounds so that they are beginning to read. Keep practising those sounds at home.

We have been word building and have started to learn about sentences.



Individual/Sibling group Photos: Next week on Wednesday 22nd / Thursday 23rd November, Tempest photographers will be visiting school to take individual/sibling group photos (in-school children).  All children will have an individual photo taken, unless you tell us otherwise.  Tempest will also be able to take photos of sibling groups of in-school children. However, if you do not require a sibling group photo, please send an email to the school office. 

Data Collection Sheets: This document was handed out via class teachers at parents’ evening (printed on cream coloured paper).  It is vital that we have correct phone numbers and e-mail addresses to communicate with you effectively.  When you are satisfied that the information on the Data Collection sheet is correct, please sign and date the form and return to your child’s class teacher or to the school office. Please sign and return the form even if there are no alterations to be made.  Please return by Friday 17th November 2023.  Thank you for your help with this matter.  

Admissions for children starting school in September 2024: Tunbury welcomes children from both Kent and Medway addresses.  All applications for school places should be made via your ‘home’ local authority. Online applications are now open. For Medway residents applying for our school, we have published guidelines to help with this process, which you’ll find at  https://www.tunbury.kent.sch.uk/New-Entrants/  Please scroll down to the bottom of the new entrants page on the website.

Kent residents apply at www.kent.gov.uk/education-and-children/schools/school-places 
Medway residents apply at www.medway.gov.uk/admissions


Please join us for our New Entrants events – to book, please email us on our dedicated email address for admissions into Reception, which is newentrants@tunbury.kent.sch.uk . Please feel free to share these details with any friends or neighbours who are looking for a Reception school place for September 2024.  Thank you.

Weekly Class Attendance: This is a weekly feature on our bulletin to highlight and celebrate good levels of attendance. Congratulations to Amber Class who take over top spot for KS2. Followed by Yellow Class for a second week running for KS1, well done! 


Weekly Attendance Percentage











































Team Points: This week, Hawking team have taken the lead – congratulations! 









Dates for your Diary 

Term dates for 2023/24: www.tunbury.kent.sch.uk/Parents/Term-Dates-23-24/

Term 2

Friday 17th November - Feel SPOTacular Day – Non-uniform spotty day for Children In Need

Tuesday 21st November – Flu immunisations (Years R-6)

Wednesday 22nd-23rd November – Tempest Photography (Individual/sibling photos)

Saturday 25th November – TSA Christmas Fair and Grotto

Tuesday 28th/ Thursday 30th November - National Child Measurement Programme Year R/Year 6

Wednesday 29th November 2023, 9.00, 9.45 and 10.30 – New Entrants School Tour

Friday 1st December – Year 3 Stone Age Day

Monday 4th December – Astro Dome Year 5 – Space Day (Children ae invited to dress up)

Tuesday 5th – Thursday 7th December – TSA Christmas Present Room

Wednesday 6th December – Year R Nativity – 2.30pm

Friday 8th December – Christmas Jumper Day and Lunch

Monday 11th December 2023, 9.00, 9.45 and 10.30 – New Entrants School Tour

Tuesday 12th December – Year 2 Nativity – 2.30pm

Wednesday 13th December Year 1 Nativity – 2.30pm

Thursday 14th December – Year 3&4 Carols on the playground – 2.50pm

Friday 15th December – Year 5&6 Carols on the playground – 2.50pm

Friday 15th December – Last day of term for pupils

Term 3

Tuesday 2nd January – School Closed – INSET DAY

Wednesday 3rd January – Start of Term 3 for pupils

Thursday 18th January – Young Voices at the O2 (KS2 Singing Club)

Friday 2nd February – NSPCC Number Day

Tuesday 6th February – Safer Internet Day

Friday 9th February – Last day of term for pupils

Term 4

Monday 19th February – School Closed – INSET DAY

Tuesday 20th February – Start of Term 4 for pupils

Thursday 22nd February – Parent Consultation evening – 3.30-6.30pm

Tuesday 27th February – Parent Consultation evening – 3.30-6.30pm

Monday 11th-15th March – British Science Week

Thursday 28th March – Last day of term for pupils

Term 5

Monday 15th April – Start of Term 5 for pupils

Monday 6th May – BANK HOLIDAY – School Closed

Monday 13th-Thursday 16th May – KS2 SATS Week Year 6

Friday 17th May – Outdoor Learning Day

Friday 24th May – Last day of term for pupils

Term 6

Monday 3rd June – School Closed – INSET DAY

Tuesday 4th June – Start of Term 6 for pupils

Tuesday 4th-7th June – STEAM Week

Monday 3rd June-14th June – Multiplication Times Tables Check Year 4

Monday 10th June-Friday 14th June – Phonics Screening – Year 1

Friday 28th June – Sports Day (KS2 am, family picnic at lunchtime, FS/KS1 pm)

Friday 5th July – Reserve Sports Day

Tuesday 23rd July – Last day of term 

Class assemblies 

Class assemblies will be held in the school hall on Friday afternoons.  Parents/carers and family members from each class are warmly invited to join us in school for these events, as our children love to share their learning with you.  Please come to the front of the school and wait outside the hall entrance doors. You will be invited in at approximately 2.45pm.  The assembly will begin at 2.50pm and last for about 10 minutes, finishing in time for you to collect your children at the end of the school day, as normal.

Friday 17th November – Indigo Class Assembly

Friday 24th November – Sapphire Class Assembly

Friday 1st December – Amber Class Assembly

Friday 8th December – Emerald Class Assembly

Friday 12th January – Blue Class Assembly

Friday 19th January – Turquoise Class Assembly

Friday 26th January – Crimson Class Assembly

Friday 2nd February – Violet Class Assembly

Friday 9th February – Azure Class Assembly

Friday 1st March – Orange Class Assembly

Friday 8th March – Ruby Class Assembly

Friday 15th March – Lavender Class Assembly

Friday 22nd March – Pink Class Assembly

Friday 26th April – Magenta Class Assembly

Friday 3rd May – Lilac Class Assembly

Friday 10th May – Yellow Class Assembly

Friday 24th May – Red Class Assembly

Friday 7th June – Bears Class Assembly

Friday 14th June – Hedgehogs Class Assembly

Friday 21st June – Owls Class Assembly



Welcome to Term 3

The last day of Term 3 is Friday 14th February 2025

Monday 24th February 2025 is an INSET DAY - School will be closed for pupils.