Weekly Bulletin:Friday 19th April 2024
Headteacher’s message to parents/carers
Dear Parents/Carers,
Welcome back to the start of Term 5, allegedly the summer term, although would somebody please tell the weather! It’s been lovely to have children back in school this week and we’re already off to a flying start with our new topics.
Please take a look at our Diary Dates section for details of events happening throughout the summer term. Today, we’re sharing the dates of the summer term Open Afternoons. For these events, each year group plans and schedules an individual Open Afternoon to fit with a key moment in the learning journey for each term. This year, we’re inviting you to a variety of events, from Afternoon Tea with Year 6 to making fruit kebabs with Year R, so please do join us if you can.
Also today, we’re sharing our Attainment Updates (in the white envelopes) for the end of Term 4 and our Topic Newsletters for learning in Year 5 (emailed home today). We do strive to provide our parents/carers with plenty of information about your children’s learning, so that you can get involved and support them in their education, as part of our home/school partnership. Thank you for your ongoing support – it does make a difference.
Have a lovely weekend everyone.
Best wishes
Ruth Austin
Safeguarding update: We have been informed there is an individual who has recently arrived from Bangladesh running sessions (webinars/interventions) in London for parents of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) offering a ‘miracle cure’. It seems this person is predominantly targeting the Bangladeshi Community.
These sessions claimed they can cure ASD with a new treatment. The treatment they are offering is an injection of a type of blood cells, called stem cells. This is an experimental treatment, which is unlicensed in the UK. There is no robust evidence that it will help these children, however there is a real risk of harm. Consultation has taken place with health colleagues in the area and the strong advice is that families should NOT take up this treatment.
Please do not hesitate to contact a DSL (Designated Safeguarding Lead) or the SENCo if you have any concerns regarding support offered to you and your child.
After School Clubs: Details of the new selection of clubs for Term 5 and 6 were emailed to parents earlier in the week. The new clubs will be starting next week.
Topic newsletters: To find out information about what your child will be learning this term, as well as home learning and other relevant notices from their class teachers, please read our Term 5 Topic Newsletters. These will be emailed home today and will also be available on our website at Tunbury Primary School - Year groups
Office staffing update: Today, we’re sorry to be saying goodbye to our office receptionist Mrs L Ward (for clarity, this is a different Mrs Ward to our Red class teacher in Year 1!). Mrs Ward has been covering maternity leave in the office for Mrs Foreman and has been with us since May last year – we thank her for her many contributions to Tunbury school life during this time, and wish her all the best for the future.
Mrs Foreman returns to work from maternity leave in one month’s time and we are looking forward to welcoming her back to Tunbury. In the meantime, the ‘gap’ is being covered by our Midday Meals Supervisory Miss Germany, who is helping us out by stepping into this role temporarily. Please bear with us in the office team during this period of transition. Thank you.
Good luck Miss Elliott: Crimson class teacher Miss Elliott is running the London Marathon on Sunday to raise money for the mental health charity, Mind. Good luck!https://2024tcslondonmarathon.enthuse.com/pf/madeleine-elliott
“Ne'er cast a clout 'til May be out”: Although we are now into Spring please remember that our weather can still be unpredictable so please can we remind parents that children still need to bring coats into school to wear at break times on the playground. This includes on PE days.
Purple Mash access: We are in the process of moving to Spelling Shed to support our teaching of spelling in Key Stage 2. Your current logins for Purple Mash will no longer work. Logins for the children to access Spelling Shed from home should be available later this term.
Snacks reminder: Please remember that we are a ‘healthy’ school, so any snacks brought in from home to be eaten at break time must be a healthy snack, i.e. fruit or vegetables. Please do not send children in with crisps, sweets or chocolate. Thank you for your support and understanding.
School dinner payments: Please continue to pay for school lunches in cash or cheques payable to TCS Education Catering Ltd. This can be sent to school in a sealed, named envelope via the class teacher.
Weekly Class Attendance: This is a weekly feature on our bulletin to highlight and celebrate good levels of attendance. Our winners for KS1 are Yellow Class with 100% attendance. Followed by Amber class taking over top spot for KS2, well done!
Class |
Weekly Attendance Percentage |
Yellow |
☆100%☆ |
Blue |
99.57% |
Owls |
99.52% |
Pink |
99.15% |
Amber |
☆98.89%☆ |
Hedgehogs |
98.61% |
Lilac |
98.52% |
Indigo |
98.41% |
Azure |
98.15% |
Crimson |
97.78% |
Violet |
97.41% |
Lavender |
97.12% |
Orange |
97.01% |
Red |
96.89% |
Sapphire |
95.4% |
Emerald |
95.19% |
Turquoise |
94.81% |
Ruby |
94.25% |
Bears |
94.22% |
Emerald |
89.52% |
Hedgehogs |
79.46% |
Pupil Premium: If your financial circumstances have changed recently, you may now be eligible for Pupil Premium support. This includes free school meals in KS2 and beyond, vouchers for the cost of food during school holidays, as well as covering the cost of your child’s school trips. To check if you are eligible for Pupil Premium support, please visit www.kent.gov.uk/education-and-children/schools/free-school-meals#tab-1. To apply, please visit www.cloudforedu.org.uk/ofsm/kent/.
Team Points: The first Team Points score for the new term will be in next week’s bulletin.
Dates for your Diary
Term dates for 2023/24: www.tunbury.kent.sch.uk/Parents/Term-Dates-23-24/
Term dates for 2024/25: www.tunbury.kent.sch.uk/Parents/Term-Dates-24-25/
Term 5
Tuesday 23rd April – Bluebell Barn visit – Year R
Monday 6th May – BANK HOLIDAY – School Closed
Monday 13th-Thursday 16th May – KS2 SATS Week Year 6
Wednesday 15th May – Year 1 Open Afternoon, 2-3pm – Making moon buggies NEW
Friday 17th May – Outdoor Learning Day
Friday 17th May – Wingham Wildlife Park visit – Year 3
Tuesday 21st May – Year 3 Open Afternoon, 2-3pm - Creating Anglo-Saxon broaches NEW
Wednesday 22nd May – Year 5 trip to Maidstone Museum
Wednesday 22nd May - Year R Open Afternoon, 2-3pm - Making fruit kebabs NEW
Thursday 23rd May – (TSA) Tunbury's Got Talent
Friday 24th May – Last day of term for pupils
Term 6
Monday 3rd June – School Closed – INSET DAY
Tuesday 4th June – Start of Term 6 for pupils
Tuesday 4th-7th June – STEAM Week
Monday 3rd June-14th June – Multiplication Times Tables Check Year 4
Monday 10th June-Friday 14th June – Phonics Screening – Year 1
Tuesday 11th / Wednesday 12th June – (TSA) “Gifts for Him" present room
Thursday 13th June – Year 2 Open Afternoon, 2-3pm - Creating a piece of artwork in the style of Tinga Tinga NEW
20th June – (TSA) School Disco & Non School Uniform day
Thursday 27th June – Year 4 Open Afternoon, 2-3pm – Art-sketching NEW
Friday 28th June – Sports Day (KS2 am, family picnic at lunchtime, FS/KS1 pm, TSA Refreshments)
Friday 5th July – Reserve Sports Day
Monday 8th July – Year 5 Open Afternoon, 2-3pm - Art Henri Rousseau Rainforest NEW
Wednesday 10th July - Whole School Transition Day (all classes move up to new teachers), with Open Classroom session for parents/carers 3.15-3.45 NEW
Thursday 11th July – Rochester visit – Year 4 NEW
Friday 19th July – (TSA) Dare to be Different
Friday 19th July – Year 6 School Prom, 6.30 -9.30 pm
Saturday 20th July – (TSA) Tunbury Summer Circus
Monday 22nd July – Year 6 Open Afternoon, 2-3pm – Afternoon Tea NEW
Tuesday 23rd July – Last day of term
Class assemblies
Class assemblies will be held in the school hall on Friday afternoons. Parents/carers and family members from each class are warmly invited to join us in school for these events, as our children love to share their learning with you. Please come to the front of the school and wait outside the hall entrance doors. You will be invited in at approximately 2.45pm. The assembly will begin at 2.50pm and last for about 10 minutes, finishing in time for you to collect your children at the end of the school day, as normal.
Friday 26th April – Magenta Class Assembly
Friday 3rd May – Lilac Class Assembly
Friday 10th May – Yellow Class Assembly
Friday 24th May – Red Class Assembly
Friday 7th June – Bears Class Assembly
Friday 14th June – Hedgehogs Class Assembly
Friday 21st June – Owls Class Assembly