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Tunbury Primary

Weekly Bulletin:Friday 20th December 2024

Headteacher’s message to parents/carers

Dear Parents/Carers,

This has been a week of many Christmassy highlights, many of them musical… Our Nativity performances from Year 1 and Year 2 were wonderful, our Year 3/4 Carols on the Playground was heart-warming, our iRock concert was fabulous and Mr Taylor’s recorder playing in assembly was mystifying!  It’s such a special time in school and we’re delighted to be able to share these experiences with such a brilliant group of children. 

After a busy and successful term, all of our children deserve a wonderful Christmas break at home with their families.  We hope that they bring kindness home with them, inspired by our Team Tunbury Advent Kindness Calendar.  If you’ve been wondering what children have been working on, you can see the full calendar here: Team Tunbury Advent Kindness Calendar.  Maybe you could make your own challenges for the last few days before Christmas?

On behalf of everyone at school, I would like to send warm wishes for a very Happy Christmas to all of our Team Tunbury families.  We look forward to seeing children back in school in 2025 on Tuesday 7th January.


Happy Christmas everyone!

Best wishes

Ruth Austin


Our Learning: Year 2

This term in year 2 we have been thinking about the question would the great fire of London happen today? We thought about this in our History lesson this week and we all gave reasons why the fire would not happen today. These include houses now being made of brick and stone, houses not built so close together, and now we have a fire brigade to help in emergencies.

In science this term we have been looking at animals and their habitats. We have talked about micro-habitats and been on a walk around school to identify the micro-habitats we have here. We have given reasons why animals need a suitable habitat and named what living things need to survive.

We have also enjoyed all the Christmas activities we have completed this week, particularly the acrostic poems we wrote. We hope it makes you feel Christmassy reading them!


Thank you to all the parents who came in to see our Christmas show - Lights, Camel, Action! The children did a fabulous job and we enjoyed learning all the songs and of course the dance moves!


Save the Children Christmas Jumper Day: We have raised £291 through Tunbury Primary School - Christmas Jumper Day - Friday 13th December is raising money for Save The Children! Thank you for your support. 

Admissions for children starting school in September 2025: Tunbury welcomes children from both Kent and Medway addresses.  All applications for school places should be made via your ‘home’ local authority. Online applications are now open. The deadline for applications is Wednesday 15th January.

For Medway residents, you just need to select ‘advanced search’ during the application process to find Tunbury in the list of schools.  We have published guidelines to help with this process, which you’ll find at www.tunbury.kent.sch.uk/New-Entrants/ 

if you have missed our Autumn term tours or would like to visit us again in January (before the deadline on Wednesday 15th January) just let us know and we will arrange an extra tour for you.

Parent Data Information Reports: Please be aware that the data information reports containing details about your child’s autumn term assessments will be sent out via email on Friday 10th January.  It is essential that we have correct email addresses so that these reports can be sent to you.  Please advise the office if you know that your email address has changed.  

School lunches: Please note the menu choices for ordering school meals will be changing in January to the following options: main meal, vegetarian main meal, allergy free main meal, jacket potato or wrap/baguette. Due to the change please do not pre-order meals until January or if you have already pre-ordered a meal in advance you will need to redo this – apologies for any inconvenience caused.

From January please continue to order your child’s meals in advance as this saves time in the classroom. To order and pay for school lunches please use the School Gateway app, which you can install from www.schoolgateway.com/apple (Apple) or www.schoolgateway.com/android (Android). If you are unsure of how to do this, please click on the following link: How do I book/cancel a meal/pre-order using Meal Manager? – Parent Support

The most up to date full menu is detailed on our school website www.tunbury.kent.sch.uk/Parents/School-Meals/ 

Breakfast and After School Childcare: Junior Adventures Group (JAG) our Breakfast and After School Childcare provider now starts at 7 am and have added two new sessions. They are now able to offer a 1 hour session and a 2 hour session for their after-school bookings, making it cheaper for any parents who would like a shorter childcare window at the end of school. To make a booking and view the details please visit JAG's website via the link below:

Online Safety: We’re sharing Online Safety information, using resources from the National College’s #WakeUpWednesday program.  This week’s guide is on tops tips for safety on social media.   (Please see the letters and forms section).

Young People’s Winter Wellbeing Guide: Please see the link below for tips which might be useful for the Christmas holidays.
Young People's Winter Wellbeing Guide 

Weekly Class Attendance: This is a weekly feature on our bulletin to highlight and celebrate good levels of attendance. Fantastic work from our KS1 winners, Owls Class, who achieved 100% attendance this week! Well done to Violet Class, our KS2 winners.


Weekly Attendance Percentage









































Team Points: Here are today’s Team Points totals, which were announced by our Year 6 Team Captains in today’s assembly……  our Term 2 winners are Holmes team!!  Our winners are enjoying their chosen reward today, which is time to play in the IT suite.  Well done Yellow Team! 









Dates for your Diary

Term dates for 2024/25: www.tunbury.kent.sch.uk/Parents/Term-Dates-24-25/

Term 2

Friday 20th December – Year 5&6 Carols on the playground – 2.50 pm

Friday 20th December – Last day of term for pupils

Term 3

Monday 6th January – School closed for pupils– INSET Day

Tuesday 7th January – Start of Term 3 for pupils

Tuesday 21st January – Young Voices at the O2 (Young Voices Singing Club)

Tuesday 4th February – Year 6 visit to Kent Life – WW11 Day NEW

Friday 7th February – NSPCC Number Day

Friday 7th February – TSA Family Bingo Night 

Tuesday 11th February - Parent Consultation evening – 3.30-6.30pm

Tuesday 11th February - Safer Internet Day

Thursday 13th February - Parent Consultation evening – 3.30-6.30pm

Friday 14th February – Last day of term for pupils

Term 4

Monday 24th February – School closed for pupils– INSET Day

Monday 3rd to 7th March - Book Week

Thursday 6th March – World Book Day

Friday 21st March – Red Nose Day NEW

Tuesday 25th & Wednesday 26th March – TSA Gifts for Her 

Thursday 3rd April – TSA Easter Disco

Friday 4th April – Last day of term for pupils

Term 5

Tuesday 22nd April – Start of Term 5 for pupils

Monday 5th May – BANK HOLIDAY – School Closed

Monday 12th-Thursday 15th May – KS2 SATS Week - Year 6

22nd May – TSA Tunbury's Got Talent 

Friday 23rd May – Outdoor Learning Day

Friday 23rd May – Last day of term for pupils

Term 6

Monday 2nd June – School closed for pupils– INSET Day

Tuesday 3rd June – Start of Term 6 for pupils

Tuesday 3rd -6th June – STEAM Week

Monday 9th June-13th June – Multiplication Times Tables Check Year 4

Monday 9th June-13th June – Phonics Screening – Year 1

Tuesday 10th & Wednesday 11th June – TSA Gifts for Him

Friday 27th June – Sports Day

Thursday 3rd July – TSA Summer Disco 

Saturday 12th July – TSA GlasTUNBURY Summer Festival

Friday 18th July – TSA “Dare to be different day”

Friday 18th July – Year 6 prom

Tuesday 22nd July – Last day of term

 Class assemblies 

Class assemblies will be held in the school hall on Friday afternoons.  Parents/carers and family members from each class are warmly invited to join us in school for these events, as our children love to share their learning with you.  Please come to the front of the school and wait outside the hall entrance doors. You will be invited in just after 2.45pm.  The assembly will begin at 2.50pm and last for about 10 minutes, finishing in time for you to collect your children at the end of the school day, as normal.

Friday 17th January Magenta Class Assembly

Friday 24th January Violet Class Assembly

Friday 31st January Emerald Class Assembly

Friday 7th February Turquoise Class Assembly

Friday 14th February Crimson Class Assembly

Friday 28th February Lavender Class Assembly

Friday 14th March Indigo Class Assembly

Friday 21st March Ruby Class Assembly

Friday 28th March Azure Class Assembly

Friday 25th April Pink Class Assembly

Friday 2nd May Red Class Assembly

Friday 9th May Yellow Class Assembly

Friday 23rd May Blue Class Assembly

Friday 13th June Sapphire Class Assembly

Friday 20th June Owls Class Assembly

Friday 4th July Bears Class Assembly


Welcome to Term 3

The last day of Term 3 is Friday 14th February 2025

Monday 24th February 2025 is an INSET DAY - School will be closed for pupils.