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Tunbury Primary

Weekly Bulletin: Friday 22nd November 2024

Headteacher’s message to parents/carers

Dear Parents/Carers,

Since the beginning of this term, we have been reminding children about uniform expectations as part of our weekly phase assemblies.  Full information about uniform expectations are at www.tunbury.kent.sch.uk/Parents/School-Uniform/

The simple reminders we’ve given children again today are as follows:

Uniform check: Are you wearing the correct Tunbury school uniform?

  1. Black school shoes.
  2. No rings, bracelets, necklaces or other jewellery.
  3. Earrings: small, plain, round studs only and must be removed for PE.
  4. School shirts and ties in Year 3 and above.

If children repeatedly wear trainers to school, they will have to change into school-provided black plimsolls for the day.  We have just re-stocked our plimsolls and have them ready in all sizes.

We’re all about teamwork and community at Tunbury, so wearing the full school uniform is important for children to show that they are part of Team Tunbury and ready to learn. Thank you for your support.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Best wishes

Ruth Austin




Children in Need thank you: We exceeded our target and together, we raised a massive £525 for Children in Need last week!  Thank you for contributing.

Snacks reminder: Please remember that we are a ‘healthy’ school, so any snacks brought in from home to be eaten at break time must be a healthy snack, i.e. fruit or vegetables. Please do not send children in with crisps, sweets or chocolate.  Thank you for your support and understanding.

New Entrants Tours: Do you have a child starting school in September 2025?  Please do come and visit us to find out more about joining Team Tunbury!  Our next school tours are at 9.00, 9.45 and 10.30 on Friday 6th December and Monday 16th December. To book onto New Entrants tours, or if you have any extra questions about starting school, please email newentrants@tunbury.kent.sch.uk as we would be happy to help.

SEN meetings you may be interested in:

In addition, please see the attached leaflet.

Weekly Class Attendance: This is a weekly feature on our bulletin to highlight and celebrate good levels of attendance. Well done to our KS1 winners Yellow Class and KS2 winners Azure Class! 

Team Points: Here are today’s Team Points totals.  Holmes have overtaken Attenborough and are the first team to 2000 points so far.  Well done!

Today in assembly, children voted for their Team Point reward at the end of Term 2, which will happen on the last day of term before Christmas. Their chosen reward was ‘Team time in the IT suite’ which won 56% of the vote.  (Extra playtime was an option, but not such a favourite in cold weather!)

Dates for your Diary

Term dates for 2024/25: www.tunbury.kent.sch.uk/Parents/Term-Dates-24-25/

Term 2

Tuesday 26th November - Flu immunisations (Years R-6)

Tuesday 3rd, Wednesday 4th & Thursday 5th December – TSA Christmas Present Room 

Wednesday 4th – Thursday 5th December - Bikeability - Year 6

Wednesday 4th December – Year 3 Stone Age Day 

Friday 6th December, 9.00, 9.45 and 10.30 – New Entrants tours

Monday 9th December – Astrodome – Year 5

Tuesday 10th – Friday 13th December - Bikeability - Year 6

Wednesday 11th December - Year R Nativity – 2.30 pm

Wednesday 11th December – TSA Christmas Movie Night  

Friday 13th December - Christmas Jumper Day and Lunch

Monday 16th December, 9.00, 9.45 and 10.30 – New Entrants tours

Tuesday 17th December - Year 2 Nativity – 2 pm

Wednesday 18th December – Year 1 Nativity – 2 pm

Thursday 19th December – Year 3&4 Carols on the playground – 2.50 pm

Friday 20th December – Year 5&6 Carols on the playground – 2.50 pm

Friday 20th December – Last day of term for pupils


Term 3

Monday 6th January – School closed for pupils– INSET Day

Tuesday 7th January – Start of Term 3 for pupils

Tuesday 21st January – Young Voices at the O2 (Young Voices Singing Club)

Monday 27th January – Bridge Building Enrichment Day – Year R

Friday 7th February – NSPCC Number Day

Friday 7th February – TSA Family Bingo Night 

Tuesday 11th February - Parent Consultation evening – 3.30-6.30pm

Tuesday 11th February - Safer Internet Day

Thursday 13th February - Parent Consultation evening – 3.30-6.30pm

Friday 14th February – Last day of term for pupils


Term 4

Monday 24th February – School closed for pupils– INSET Day

Monday 3rd to 7th March - Book Week

Thursday 6th March – World Book Day

Friday 21st March – Red Nose Day NEW

Tuesday 25th & Wednesday 26th March – TSA Gifts for Her 

Thursday 3rd April – TSA Easter Disco 

Friday 4th April – Last day of term for pupils


Term 5

Tuesday 22nd April – Start of Term 5 for pupils

Monday 5th May – BANK HOLIDAY – School Closed

Monday 12th-Thursday 15th May – KS2 SATS Week - Year 6

22nd May – TSA Tunbury's Got Talent 

Friday 23rd May – Outdoor Learning Day

Friday 23rd May – Last day of term for pupils


Term 6

Monday 2nd June – School closed for pupils– INSET Day

Tuesday 3rd June – Start of Term 6 for pupils

Tuesday 3rd -6th June – STEAM Week

Monday 9th June-13th June – Multiplication Times Tables Check Year 4

Monday 9th June-13th June – Phonics Screening – Year 1

Tuesday 10th & Wednesday 11th June – TSA Gifts for Him 

Friday 27th June – Sports Day 

Thursday 3rd July – TSA Summer Disco 

Saturday 12th July – TSA GlasTUNBURY Summer Festival 

Friday 18th July – TSA “Dare to be different day” NEW

Friday 18th July – Year 6 prom NEW

Tuesday 22nd July – Last day of term


Class assemblies

Class assemblies will be held in the school hall on Friday afternoons.  Parents/carers and family members from each class are warmly invited to join us in school for these events, as our children love to share their learning with you.  Please come to the front of the school and wait outside the hall entrance doors. You will be invited in just after 2.45pm.  The assembly will begin at 2.50pm and last for about 10 minutes, finishing in time for you to collect your children at the end of the school day, as normal.

Friday 22nd November Scarlet Class Assembly

Friday 29th November Amber Class Assembly

Friday 6th December Lilac Class Assembly

Friday 17th January Magenta Class Assembly

Friday 24th January Violet Class Assembly

Friday 31st January Emerald Class Assembly

Friday 7th February Turquoise Class Assembly

Friday 14th February Crimson Class Assembly

Friday 28th February Lavender Class Assembly

Friday 14th March Indigo Class Assembly

Friday 21st March Ruby Class Assembly

Friday 28th March Azure Class Assembly

Friday 25th April Pink Class Assembly

Friday 2nd May Red Class Assembly

Friday 9th May Yellow Class Assembly

Friday 23rd May Blue Class Assembly

Friday 13th June Sapphire Class Assembly

Friday 20th June Owls Class Assembly

Friday 4th July Bears Class Assembly 


Welcome to Term 2

The last day of Term 2 is Friday 20th  December 2024

Monday 6th January 2025 is an INSET DAY - School will be closed for pupils.