Weekly Bulletin:Friday 23rd February 2024
Headteacher’s message to parents/carers
Dear Parents/Carers,
Welcome back to the start of Term 4, at the half-way point through the school year. We have already achieved so much, with more still to come!
Thank you to all of our parents/carers who braved the rain to attend our first Parents’ Evening yesterday. It’s a great opportunity for you to be able to look through your child’s books in school and reflect with them on how well they are doing. As parents/carers, there are lots of ways in which you can get involved in your child’s education and at Tunbury we really do value your input and support.
As food for thought, here is a powerful fact about parental engagement, based on educational research: “the effect of parental engagement over a student’s school career is equivalent to adding two or three years to that student’s education.” Furthermore, when parents/carers are involved in their education, children do better on a wide range of measures. These positive effects include:
- Better behaviour
- More confidence and greater self-esteem
- Higher attendance rates
- A lower risk of exclusion
- More enthusiasm about learning
- Better results
(If you’re interested in more information on research showing how much parent/carer involvement matters, please take a look at Parents Matter: The Research | Parentkind )
One important thing for us to remember is that parenting is not “all or nothing” – every small step we take to support our children’s education will make an immediate difference. So it’s not about us trying to become Super-Dad or Super-Mum! For example, if you haven’t heard your child read in a while, reading with them just once, or once more every week, will make a difference. To delve further into their learning, remember that we always provide information on your child’s learning each term, so today’s Topic Newsletters are another good place to start. Thank you for any support you can offer.
Have a lovely weekend everyone.
Best wishes
Ruth Austin
Meet the Tunbury HLTA Team
This week we expanded our brilliant HLTA team when we welcomed Mr Somers to Team Tunbury. We took time in assembly to remind children of the incredible role they play across the school, working in close partnership with class teachers to cover learning during weekly PPA and other absences. We reflected that they probably interact with more children across Tunbury in a classroom than staff in any other role! The team also shared some facts and interests about themselves and what a talented and diverse team we have. From marathon running, traveling, learning languages or learning about periods of history, it highlighted how lucky we are to have them working with us.
So meet our talented HLTA team, from left to right, Miss Johnstone, Mrs Bacon, Ms McKenzie, Mr Somers and Miss Fray.
Our Learning Year 4
In term three we learnt about extreme weather; the children were particularly fascinated by tornadoes and hurricanes which was evident in our Art lessons where the children used their sketching skills to create a weather scene before using watercolours to create depth and movement for their favourite extreme weather.
The weather theme continued in our English lessons which saw the children writing some incredible poems about their favourite weather. The children carried out their own research to produce a non-chronological report on extreme weather; they worked hard to produce their published pieces which they were able to take home to show you. We hope you enjoyed reading about the different weathers your children had researched.
In maths, we have been learning about perimeter, a topic we are continuing as we start this term before moving on to fractions at the end of this week. Times Tables continue to be a focus for our arithmetic lessons as we prepare for the Times Table check in June. We have inter-class tournaments on TTRockstars with the winning class proudly displaying the trophy in their classroom. Please encourage your children to access TTRockstars at home, every point helps towards the class score and it really does have a positive impact on children’s Times Table knowledge.
In Computing we learnt about coding and how to create shapes using a programming code. We used Logo Turtle to give directions in order to create shapes, different colours and repeating patterns. Ask us if we remember the code we had to give!
Parents’ Evenings: The first of our Parents’ Evenings was yesterday and the next one will be on Tuesday 27th February. If you have not already booked an appointment, please book a meeting with your child’s class teacher using the details in the letter which was emailed to parents the week before the February break. Appointments with our SENCO are also available. If you did not receive or cannot find your Parents’ Evening letter, please email us at office@tunbury.kent.sch.uk so that we can help you.
Topic newsletters: To find out information about what your child will be learning this term, as well as home learning and other relevant notices from their class teachers, please read our Term 4 Topic Newsletters. These will be emailed home today and will also be available on our website at Tunbury Primary School - Year groups
After school clubs: Reminder – due to Parents’ Evening, there will be no teacher led clubs for the first 2 weeks of this term. Week starting 4th March 2024, all clubs will run as usual.
Lost Property: We are finding many items of uniform un-named, lying around school at the end of each day and our lost property is building up. We make every effort to find the owners of items – so if they are named, they will be returned - but are unable to store un-named lost clothing for long periods of time. On Friday 1st March, current items we have in lost property will be laid out on tables at the end of the school day so that you can have a look for any items your child may have lost. Any items left behind after this will either be recycled or taken to a local charity shop.
Tunbury Primary School Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61555687503707
We would like be able to add more photos, so that we can update our Facebook page as often and as widely as possible. Thank you to those parents that have already completed the online consent form. If you would like us to be able to share photos of your child via Facebook, please use this link to update your image consent: https://forms.office.com/e/XGMViX1AYMM
Thank you.
Scholastic Book Fair: The Book Fair is in the school hall from Wednesday 21st February until Tuesday 27th February and will be open from 3:15 -3:45 each day for you to come into school to delve into some new books. All the classes will have the chance to visit themselves during the day and will hopefully find their new 'favourite book'. Reading is such a magical journey…Please come and support us. Not only will you and your children be able to enjoy a new book at home, but the more books we sell, the more books we will earn for children at Tunbury. The children were given their World Book Day tokens on Wednesday this week. The tokens can be used at the book fair.
Book week: Our book week will be taking place during the week commencing Monday 4th March. Our theme this year is Twisted Tales and every year group will be reading a new alternative traditional story; building up to writing their own twisted tale at the end of the week. We have a range of in-school activities during this week to celebrate our love of reading such as a Masked Reader assembly, a book cover design competition, book character dress-up day on World Book Day itself as well as the eagerly anticipated sequel to the staff panto…..! Thank you for getting involved.
Tunbury Book Week |
Wednesday 6th March |
Design a book cover competition |
During Book Week this year, we are running a design a book cover competition. We would like entries on A4 or smaller in any medium. This should not be a copy of a book cover, but an original design of either: · what the child would have put on the cover of a published book if they had designed it, including title and author; or · a book cover design that would make them pick up a book - but the book itself has not been published. For example, the child likes stars and cars so thinks of a potential storyline and draws a book cover in this theme. This design should include a made-up title (e.g. Pat's star car) and author (potentially themselves). |
Thursday 7th March |
World Book Day dressing up |
Dress up as your favourite book character. In school, we’ll have a parade of costumes to show them off! There will be prizes for the best home-made costumes in each year group. |
Friday 9th March |
Celebration of ‘perfectly published’ work |
We have been working hard on producing ‘perfectly published’ pieces of work in our English lessons this term. We would like to welcome parents into the school hall from the end of the school day until 3.45pm to look at the stories your children have written as part of book week. |
Can you spare a few hours a week to become a trained reading helper with Coram Beanstalk?
We are working with a charity called Coram Beanstalk to recruit and train volunteer reading helpers who can commit to an afternoon a week to come in to school. As a reading helper, you will support at least 3 children on a one to one basis outside of the classroom environment. You will be sharing and talking about books, helping them to grow in confidence and develop a lifelong love of reading. For more information or if you wish to apply, visit the website at www.corambeanstalk.org.uk or call 0207 729 4087.
Vehicle access: Please be advised that parents/carers are not permitted to drive their vehicles on to the school site, other than in an emergency situation. If you need to drop/collect your child or visit the school office, please park outside the school and enter the school via the front pedestrian gate.
School dinner menu: The new Spring/Summer menu which started this week has been published on our website: www.tunbury.kent.sch.uk/docs/menus/Spring_Summer_Menu_2024.pdf
School dinner payments: Our school lunch providers, TCS are experiencing technical issues with the Parentmail system they use for you to pay for school lunches. As a result, please pay for school dinners in cash or cheque payable to TCS Education Catering Ltd. This can be sent to school in a sealed, named envelope via the class teacher. TCS will adjust any credit/arrears on accounts accordingly.
Weekly Class Attendance: This is a weekly feature on our bulletin to highlight and celebrate good levels of attendance. Well done to Pink class who have taken top spot for KS1 with great attendance this week. We have joint winners taking over top place for KS2, well done to Turquoise and Violet!
Class |
Weekly Attendance Percentage |
Pink |
☆99.47☆ |
Turquoise |
☆99.05☆ |
Violet |
☆99.05☆ |
Owls |
98.7 |
Scarlet |
98.1 |
Crimson |
97.62 |
Bears |
97.14 |
Red |
97.14 |
Lilac |
97.14 |
Ruby |
96.67 |
Orange |
96.15 |
Amber |
96.06 |
Yellow |
95.6 |
Azure |
95.24 |
Sapphire |
95.24 |
Magenta |
94.9 |
Lavender |
94.71 |
Blue |
94.51 |
Emerald |
93.81 |
Hedgehogs |
91.96 |
Indigo |
90.82 |
Online course for parents/carers who may be interested:
Team Points: We will publish our first Team Points total for Term 4 in next week’s bulletin.
Dates for your Diary
Term dates for 2023/24: www.tunbury.kent.sch.uk/Parents/Term-Dates-23-24/
Term dates for 2024/25: www.tunbury.kent.sch.uk/Parents/Term-Dates-24-25/
Term 4
Wednesday 21st February – Tuesday 27th February – Scholastic Travelling Book Fair
Tuesday 27th February – Parent Consultation evening – 3.30-6.30pm
Friday 1st March – Hearing and Vision Screening Year R
Monday 4th – Friday 8th March – Book Week
Tuesday 5th/Wednesday 6th March – (TSA) “Gifts for Her" present room
Thursday 7th March – World Book Day (dress up as your favourite character)
Monday 11th-15th March – British Science Week
Thursday 14th March – Visit to Kent Life – Year 1 NEW
Thursday 14th March – (TSA) School Disco & Non School Uniform day
Mon 18th March – Open Afternoon, Y5/6 2.00-3.00 pm
Tuesday 19th March – Visit to Upnor Castle – Year 2 NEW
Tues 19th March – Open Afternoon, Y3/4 2.00-3.00 pm
Wed 20th March – Open Afternoon YR 2.00-3.00 pm
Wednesday 20th March – Visit to Imperial War Museum, London – Year 6
Thurs 21st March – Open Afternoon, Y1/2 2.00-3.00 pm
Wednesday 27th March – Mayan workshop in school – Year 3 NEW
Thursday 28th March – (TSA) Easter Trail
Thursday 28th March – Last day of term for pupils
Term 5
Monday 15th April – Start of Term 5 for pupils
Tuesday 23rd April – Bluebell Barn visit – Year R NEW
Monday 6th May – BANK HOLIDAY – School Closed
Monday 13th-Thursday 16th May – KS2 SATS Week Year 6
Friday 17th May – Outdoor Learning Day
Friday 17th May – Wingham Wildlife Park visit – Year 3 NEW
Wednesday 22nd May – Year 5 trip to Maidstone Museum
Thursday 23rd May – (TSA) Tunbury's Got Talent
Friday 24th May – Last day of term for pupils
Term 6
Monday 3rd June – School Closed – INSET DAY
Tuesday 4th June – Start of Term 6 for pupils
Tuesday 4th-7th June – STEAM Week
Monday 3rd June-14th June – Multiplication Times Tables Check Year 4
Monday 10th June-Friday 14th June – Phonics Screening – Year 1
Tuesday 11th / Wednesday 12th June – (TSA) “Gifts for Him" present room
20th June – (TSA) School Disco & Non School Uniform day
Friday 28th June – Sports Day (KS2 am, family picnic at lunchtime, FS/KS1 pm, TSA Refreshments)
Friday 5th July – Reserve Sports Day
Friday 19th July – (TSA) Dare to be Different
Friday 19th July – Year 6 School Prom, 6.30 -9.30 pm
Saturday 20th July – (TSA) Tunbury Summer Circus
Tuesday 23rd July – Last day of term
Class assemblies
Class assemblies will be held in the school hall on Friday afternoons. Parents/carers and family members from each class are warmly invited to join us in school for these events, as our children love to share their learning with you. Please come to the front of the school and wait outside the hall entrance doors. You will be invited in at approximately 2.45pm. The assembly will begin at 2.50pm and last for about 10 minutes, finishing in time for you to collect your children at the end of the school day, as normal.
Friday 1st March – Orange Class Assembly
Friday 8th March – Ruby Class Assembly
Friday 15th March – Lavender Class Assembly
Friday 22nd March – Pink Class Assembly
Friday 26th April – Magenta Class Assembly
Friday 3rd May – Lilac Class Assembly
Friday 10th May – Yellow Class Assembly
Friday 24th May – Red Class Assembly
Friday 7th June – Bears Class Assembly
Friday 14th June – Hedgehogs Class Assembly
Friday 21st June – Owls Class Assembly