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Tunbury Primary

Weekly Bulletin:Friday 24th January 2025

Headteacher’s message to parents/carers

Dear Parents/Carers,

Congratulations to our Young Voices choir, who performed at the O2 on Tuesday evening with over 8,000 other children.  This was an amazing experience for everyone involved and a real celebration of music and performance, which was so inspiring.  A huge thank you to staff members Miss Binns, Mrs Harding, Mrs Halpin and Mrs Rose for their dedication, enthusiasm and long hours accompanying this trip.  Please read the children’s account of their trip in the section below.

Also this week, children in every class in Years 1-6 have continued to learn about the Zones of Regulation, with this week’s session asking them ‘Which zone would you be in?’ for different hypothetical circumstances.  To understand more about the Zones of Regulation, please do ask your child, or take a look at information online such as https://zonesofregulation.com/  Children may refer to different zones, such as the Green Zone or the Blue Zone, to help them understand their own or others’ emotions, so it’s helpful if you are also familiar with this language at home.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Best wishes

Ruth Austin



Our Learning: Year 3 

This term we have been learning about fair trade, light and chocolate! 

We have been using our maps skills to locate different cocoa growing countries. We looked at the climates of these counties and why they are best for growing cocoa. This week, we ordered the journey from cocoa bean to chocolate bar.


In Science, Year 3 have been investigating light and how it is essential for us to see. We have identified different light sources and reflectors of light. Did you know that the moon is not a light source? It simply reflects the light from the sun, making it visible to us. We have been using mirrors to see how light behaves when it is reflected. We used mirrors to see what is not in our direct line of sight.

This week, we have been learning about shadows. Unfortunately, we discovered that shadows cannot be sewn to our feet like Peter Pan. Instead, we found that shadows are formed when objects block light. We conducted experiments to see how a shadow’s opacity and size can be changed.



In our DT lessons, we have been designing our own healthy chocolate bar. So far, we have investigated past and current chocolate advertisements and have learnt about a balanced diet. We have chosen some healthy ingredients to add to our chocolate and have written our recipes.



Young Voices Concert at the O2 – 21/1/25

“On Tuesday, the singing club went to the 02 in London to perform for a live audience.   We left school at 12:00 after an early lunch and arrived at the 02 for a rehearsal in the afternoon.   We were lucky enough to have two suites rather than being sat in the rows of seats with everyone else.  This was great as we had much more space to spread out in between the rehearsal and the actual performance. 


We started to get excited as the audience started to arrive at 6pm.  It was tricky for us to see our families, as the lights were on the children and not the audience, but we were very easy to spot as we had our school flag fastened up to the ceiling. 

After all our hard work during the rehearsal, we still had enough energy and enthusiasm left for the concert.  As the main lights went out, over 8500 tiny torches were alight.  The Urban Strides dance group, led the dancing and even got the audience to join in at the end.  Other acts performing with us or in between us singing included M C Grammar who performed a rap about the importance of reading.  There was also a 14 year old girl, called Sou Nair, on stage, who has performed on Britain’s Got Talent and had previously been along to a Young Voices concert with as a child, with her own school.  Could that be one of our children in the future.  Who knows?

The children performed brilliantly and remembered all their dance moves too.   Everyone had a fantastic time; they were wonderful ambassadors for Tunbury Primary School.  We were really proud!

                                                                       “Where’s Tunbury?”          

We’d all like to say a huge ‘Thank You’ to the TSA,
for the opportunity, who funded our coach travel!” 


Admissions for children starting school in September 2025: If you missed the 15th January deadline to apply for a Reception school place, please email Kent or Medway admissions to make a late application. 

For Medway residents, late applications must be submitted by 5pm today (Friday 24th January).


Reminder, OPAL parent survey: We would like to find out more about your views on play through our parent/carer survey, which we launched last week  OPAL Parent Survey January 2025 .  This survey gathers your views of play today at Tunbury, your opinions about changes to play, how play has changed since your own childhood and opportunities for play at home.  In school, we have already conducted pupil and staff surveys about play.


Book Fair poster design competition:  All children are invited to enter our competition to design a poster advertising this year’s book fair, which is running at Tunbury from Thursday 6th March until Tuesday 11th March. Your poster needs to be:

  • A4 (any colour or lined)
  • Name and class on the back please

Prizes are book fair vouchers x 5.  The deadline for entries is Friday 7th February.  Please give your entries to Mrs Davies J


TSA Family Bingo Evening: Please join us! 
You can buy your tickets at The Tunbury School Association (TSA) 





Weekly Class Attendance: This is a weekly feature on our bulletin to highlight and celebrate good levels of attendance. This week our winners for KS1 were Yellow Class. Keep up the good work! Indigo Class are our KS2 winners with an almost perfect 99.23%. Well done everyone!


Weekly Attendance Percentage










































Attendance: As a reminder, we wanted to highlight a change to how we refer for penalty notices.  Penalty Notice Fines will be issued for Term-Time leave of five or more consecutive days.  Inset training days are school days and can be included in the five or more consecutive days, where there was intent to be absent for term-time leave.  At Tunbury, this has been applied from Monday 6th January and will apply to all future Inset days, including Monday 24th February and Monday 2nd June.


Team Points: This week, a change of leader, with Blue team now out in front.  Congratulations Hawking!










Dates for your Diary

Term dates for 2024/25: www.tunbury.kent.sch.uk/Parents/Term-Dates-24-25/

Term 3

Tuesday 4th February – Year 6 visit to Kent Life – WW11 Day

Friday 7th February – NSPCC Number Day

Friday 7th February – TSA Family Bingo Night 

Tuesday 11th February - Parent Consultation evening – 3.30-6.30pm

Tuesday 11th February - Safer Internet Day

Wednesday 12th February - Year 4 Wild Weather Day (no dressing up) NEW

Thursday 13th February - Parent Consultation evening – 3.30-6.30pm

Friday 14th February – Last day of term for pupils


Term 4

Monday 24th February – School closed for pupils– INSET Day

Monday 3rd to 7th March - Book Week

Monday 3rd March – Year R Open Afternoon for Book Week 2-3pm NEW

Tuesday 4th March – Year 1/2 Open Afternoon for Book Week 2-3pm NEW

Wednesday 5th March – Year 3/4 Open Afternoon for Book Week 2-3pm NEW

Thursday 6th March – World Book Day, including dressing up

Friday 7th March – Year 5/6 Open Afternoon for Book Week 2-3pm NEW

Friday 21st March – Red Nose Day NEW

Tuesday 25th & Wednesday 26th March – TSA Gifts for Her 

Thursday 3rd April – TSA Easter Disco

Friday 4th April – Last day of term for pupils


Term 5

Tuesday 22nd April – Start of Term 5 for pupils

Monday 5th May – BANK HOLIDAY – School Closed

Monday 12th-Thursday 15th May – KS2 SATS Week - Year 6

22nd May – TSA Tunbury's Got Talent 

Friday 23rd May – Outdoor Learning Day

Friday 23rd May – Last day of term for pupils


Term 6

Monday 2nd June – School closed for pupils– INSET Day

Tuesday 3rd June – Start of Term 6 for pupils

Tuesday 3rd -6th June – STEAM Week

Monday 9th June-13th June – Multiplication Times Tables Check Year 4

Monday 9th June-13th June – Phonics Screening – Year 1

Tuesday 10th & Wednesday 11th June – TSA Gifts for Him

Friday 27th June – Sports Day

Thursday 3rd July – TSA Summer Disco 

Saturday 12th July – TSA GlasTUNBURY Summer Festival

Friday 18th July – TSA “Dare to be different day”

Friday 18th July – Year 6 prom

Tuesday 22nd July – Last day of term


Class assemblies 

Class assemblies will be held in the school hall on Friday afternoons.  Parents/carers and family members from each class are warmly invited to join us in school for these events, as our children love to share their learning with you.  Please come to the front of the school and wait outside the hall entrance doors. You will be invited in just after 2.45pm.  The assembly will begin at 2.50pm and last for about 10 minutes, finishing in time for you to collect your children at the end of the school day, as normal.

Friday 24th January Violet Class Assembly

Friday 31st January Emerald Class Assembly

Friday 7th February Turquoise Class Assembly

Friday 14th February Crimson Class Assembly

Friday 28th February Lavender Class Assembly

Friday 14th March Indigo Class Assembly

Friday 21st March Ruby Class Assembly

Friday 28th March Azure Class Assembly

Friday 25th April Pink Class Assembly

Friday 2nd May Red Class Assembly

Friday 9th May Yellow Class Assembly

Friday 23rd May Blue Class Assembly

Friday 13th June Sapphire Class Assembly

Friday 20th June Owls Class Assembly

Friday 4th July Bears Class Assembly


Welcome to Term 3

The last day of Term 3 is Friday 14th February 2025

Monday 24th February 2025 is an INSET DAY - School will be closed for pupils.