Weekly Bulletin: Friday 6th September 2024
Headteacher’s message to parents/carers
Dear Parents/Carers,
Welcome back! This week has flown past, with children already settling in so well to their new classes. The start of a new school year always brings new opportunities and new relationships, so it’s been lovely to see children and staff getting to know each other. The start of some amazing new adventures together! Please say well done to your children for completing their first week in school with such confidence and positivity.
I’d like to extend a very warm welcome to any new families joining Team Tunbury this September. As I hope you already know, we pride ourselves on the strength of our school community here, so we’re delighted that you’ve joined us. For our youngest children starting in Reception, it’s been a fabulous start, with children finding their way around the classroom, extending their learning and already making new friends.
In assembly today, I reminded children (in Years 1-6) about four words which are particularly important for us all. Those words are ready, respectful, safe and fair. Please try asking your child what these four words mean and why they are so important – they should be able to tell you!
Have a lovely weekend everyone.
Best wishes
Ruth Austin
How to find out about your child’s learning in their new class: Our Term 1 Topic Newsletters give you information about what your child will be learning this term, details of home learning and other relevant notices from class teachers. These will be emailed home today and will also be available on the Year Groups pages of the school website at Tunbury Primary School - Year groups . Also in the same pages, you’ll find the presentations from the ‘Meet the Team’ meetings for parents/carers which we held in July.
School Lunches: The new Autumn/Winter menu is detailed on our website. Unfortunately, due to the ever increasing food and labour cost, TCS have needed to increase the meal price to £2.55 with effect from September. www.tunbury.kent.sch.uk/Parents/School-Meals/
Parents are now able to order and pay for school lunches using School Gateway. Please use the School Gateway app, which you can install from www.schoolgateway.com/apple (Apple) or www.schoolgateway.com/android (Android)
To ensure that TCS have accurate information on all children requiring a special diet, they have asked parents to complete and return the attached form to the address detailed on the form. Parents may have completed a similar form in the past but it is important that allergen information is regularly checked.
Parent Governor Vacancy: We will shortly be inviting parents/carers to stand for election as a Parent Governor, so please do start to consider whether this might be something you would be interested in. Full details will be included in our letter, which we will share next week.
ASDA rewards cashpot for schools: If you already shop in ASDA and have the Asda Rewards app, you can opt in to support Tunbury Primary School through the ‘cashpot for schools’ scheme. Details are on the app or at www.asda.com/cashpotforschools .Thank you!
School Crossing Patrol: Whilst appreciating that there will have been many things occupying your mind as we start a new school year, we wanted to let you know that KCC have an advert currently running for the permanent school crossing patrol vacancy at our school.
The advert has been released and is available for applicants to read the detail and make applications via the Kent Jobs portal, available here:
The rate of pay for this role is £12.09 per hour. We have been trying to fill this vacancy for some considerable time, with no luck so far. If you know of anyone who may be interested, please contact KCC as detailed above. While we do not have a SCP, please take extra care around school and please do not park at the crossing point, on double yellow lines or in bus stops. Thank you for your support.
Weekly Class Attendance: This is a weekly feature on our bulletin to highlight and celebrate good levels of attendance. We have three classes at 100% this week, an amazing start to the new term! Well done to Bears and Red Classes from KS1 and to Ruby Class from KS2. Keep up the great work!
Team Points: Children are already receiving Team Points in their new classes, but we’ll start our whole-school Team Points totals next Friday.
Medway Culture Club presents Hidden Histories: Please see attached flyer - scan or press and hold the QR code for further information.
Dates for your Diary
Term dates for 2024/25: www.tunbury.kent.sch.uk/Parents/Term-Dates-24-25/
Thursday 12th September – Kent 11+ test
Tuesday 17th September – Start of swimming lessons for Year 4, Lilac class
Friday 25th October – INSET Day – School closed for pupils
Monday 28th October – Friday 1st November – Autumn Break
Monday 4th November – Start of Term 2
Wednesday 13th November – Friday 15th November – Year 6 Residential visit to Windmill Hill PGL
Friday 20th December – Last day of Term 2