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Tunbury Primary


Personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education isn’t just another school subject. It’s a chance to give every child an equal opportunity to develop the skills and knowledge they need to thrive in society, now and in the future. With the right PSHE education children will be resilient, compassionate members of our community. They will demonstrate inclusivity and appreciate the diversity of the world around us. PSHE plays an integral part in preparing children for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life. It promotes good behaviour and positive character traits in line with our Tunbury school values: Proactive, Thriving and Solidarity.

British Values are embedded within our PSHE curriculum. The values are displayed in classrooms and referred to often. Each class has a ballot box which they use to support their teaching of democracy. There are clear ground rules for debate and we actively promote the democratic process through our school council. Children understand that the freedom to hold other faiths and beliefs is protected by law. They are taught to be accepting of those who have different beliefs to them and know that there is zero-tolerance for those that display discriminatory behaviour.

At Tunbury, PSHE is taught using a thematic approach. Our PSHE curriculum is split into three core themes: Relationships, Living in the Wider World and Health and Well-being. The skills that are taught within these themes are carefully developed as children progress through the school.  Within our PSHE curriculum, children’s deepening understanding is assessed through the use of ‘cold’ and ‘hot’ tasks in each unit of work.

Lessons are varied and include a range of teaching styles to suit the needs of all children. At Tunbury, children enjoy their PSHE lessons and show a high level of participation and engagement in their learning.

Subject knowledge is current and reflects modern society. We teach children the skills to build and maintain friendships, to recognise and manage their emotions, to know how to keep themselves safe and to understand and manage change in their lives, including as their bodies change. Children are taught about the wider issues that affect society and their role as a global citizen.

Children leave Tunbury Primary School fully prepared for their next steps in education and life in modern Britain. We inspire our children to be successful, independent life-long learners.

Pupil voice - what do Tunbury learners think about PSHE?

Y1 pupil: "We need to do PSHE so we know how to keep safe."

Y5 pupil: “PSHE is important to understand other different opinions. It will help me to take care of myself more.”

Y6 pupil: “I really enjoy learning about the wider world and bigger issues.”

Tunbury PSHE Curriculum Overview and PSHE Curriculum Progression

Please view our curriculum documentation to see how we have chosen to teach PSHE at Tunbury Primary School.

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Welcome to Term 3

The last day of Term 3 is Friday 14th February 2025

Monday 24th February 2025 is an INSET DAY - School will be closed for pupils.