School Meals
Our school meals are cooked onsite by our catering partner, Total Catering Solutions (SE) Ltd.
Wherever possible, TCS use small local suppliers and farms for their meat and greengrocery. All their eggs are free range. Their fresh meat is Farm Assured and compliant with ‘Food for life’. All lunches are accompanied by a self-service salad cart and fresh homemade bread.
With effect from September 2024 the daily cost of a school meal is £2.55. Parents can pay online via School Gateway. Please download the app (Apple) or (Android).
Currently, all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to Universal Free School Meals.
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the School Office who can put you through to the kitchen.
Please see below the latest menu:
- Autumn Winter Menu 2024 V3
- TCS Parent Special Diet Information Sheet
- TCS School Meals Debt Policy
- TCS To Be A Vegetarian Leaflet
Please note a permanent menu change as of 25/11/24 - Week One - Thursday - Chicken Pie and Macaroni Cheese will be served instead of Chicken Curry and Singapore Noodles.